Into to the Cullens

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        Carlisle Cullen, the lead of his coven was born in the 1640s in London, England to a vampire hating father. His father would fight the creatures and in the year 1663, Carlisle himself was turned.

Carlisle didn't want to touch human blood, he couldn't. He knew his father would hate him already for becoming a vampire. He hid out in a cave to help stir clear of human blood, to keep from giving into the temptations.

One day, a herd of deer passes that cave and Carlisle couldn't take the hunger anymore. He attacked those animals, and from that day... he never touched human goood.

From for twenty years, 1700 to 1720, Carlisle spend some time in Volterra, Itslt with those known as vamoire royalty. The Volturi. Aro, Caius, and Marcus. The kings tried getting Carlisle to endure in their diet of human blood but no how many times the kings insisted, Carlisle declined, having his mind set on the blood of animals. Not wanting to harm a human.

In 1844 in the state of Texas, Jasper Whitlock was born. Seventeen years later in 1861, Jasper serves in the Confederate Army when the Civil War broke out. Two years later, at nineteen, Jasper made the major rank.

Jasper was nineteen in 1863 when he had met a beautiful creature named Maria. He knew she was extraordinary. But when Jasper found out what Maria was, he couldn't make himself leave. The vampire had an allure to her. Maria ended up turning Jasper to help with her newborns.

Jasper wound up befriending a vampire named Peter in 1900s, a newborn who was 'promoted' to work with Jas. In 1833, Peter and his mate, Charlotte, ran off, leaving Jasper with Maria. But five years later, Peter returned and he helped Jasper escape from Maria.

Esme Anne Platt was born in Columbus, Ohio in the year 1895.

Edward Anthony Masen was born in Chicago on June 20, 1901 to two loving parents, Edward and Elizabeth Madden. And a Mary Alice Brandon was born in Biloxi, Mississippi that same year.

In 1905, Carlisle moves to Columbus, Ohio. He grows a desire to study medicine. He figures he can be around human blood now without the urges, he has for many years.

In 1911, Carlisle ends up tending to Esme, who is sixteen. She had been alluring to him but he thought nothing of it. She was an injured human. Esme had come to him with a broken leg.

After a month in Columbus, Carlisle left and he goes to Chicago.

Rosalie Lillian Hale was born in Rochester, New York in the year 1915. Emmett McCarty was born in Tennessee. Alana Jackson (an OC) was born in 1915, too, in Texas.

In 1917, a still human Esme married a man named Charles Evenson. Not long after their marriage began, Charles ended up leaving to fight in the WWI.

Carlisle began working as a physician in Chicago in the year 1918. The influence epidemic hit in September of that year and claimed the lives of Edward and Elizabeth Masen, while their son lays in death bed.  Elizabeth had pleaded to Carlisle to save her son with her final breath.

Carlisle had been hesitant and he turned his first coven member... Edward. Edward and Carlisle head out of Chicago and head to Ashland, Wisconsin.

In 1920, Mary Alice was turned into a vampire in a mental asylum. The one to turn her happened to be one of the workers. Alice doesn't remember much of her human life.

Esme falls pregnant in 1920, and she leaves Charles - the husband who became abusive. Esme fled to Ashland, where Carlisle is working as a doctor.

A year later, Esme loses her baby and agony fills her body. She had truly wanted the child. Esme had committed suicide but she didn't stay dead when Carlisle found her and turned her into a vampire.

As time goes on, Carlisle and Esme fell in love, and wound up married. In 1927, Edward decided to leave Carlisle and Esme to experiment on his own. He finds his way back to Carlisle in 1931: unable to take human lives anymore. And when Edward returns, the 'family' moves to Rochester.

Rosalie Hale was beaten and left for dead in 1933 while in Texas, Jasper is finding Alana and brings her with him on his trek. Alana was nearly dead when found, she was beaten and raped. Jasper turned her.

Carlisle had found Rosalie's body before she fully died and he turned her and two years later, Rosalie found Emmett McCarty in the woods of Tennessee, blessing to death after being mauled by a bear. Unable to allow him to die, Rosalie picks the male up and carried him to Carlisle, who then turns him into a vampire.

In 1936, Carlisle and his 'family' move to Hoquaim, the area south of Forks, Washington. They end up making a treaty with the Quiluete tribe to stay off their land.

In 1948, Alice meets Jasper and Alana. Jasper and Alana have grown a brother/sister type bond while roaming the earth together, alone as vampires. Alice, Jasper, and Alana all become companions. Wandering together. And two years later, the trip find Carlisle and his family and join them.

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