Chapter 29

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Rayne dresses in some maternity athletic clothing, ready to go to this training Carlisle and Sam agreed upon. The wolves are meeting the vampires in a clearing that the Cullens suggested would be a good training ground and possible battle ground.

Jasper and Rayne have done decided on what tree she will be in during the battle and she's looking forward to it. The empath has done told Rayne not to hum or sing unless she absolutely has to. She's agreed to listen.

Rayne is at the clearing with the Cullens. She slept in Alana's old room the previous night. She wanted to stay with the cold ones one night, she kisses the Cullen family.

Alice standing beside Bella, their arms loopedntogeyher. Edward is standing alone while Rayne is beside Esme, Esme won't leave Rayne's side for too long when she's over. Emmett has his hands on Rosalie's waist, standing behind her. Jasper is a little bit behind Carlisle, but not too far.

The wolves are there, Bella has done greeted Jacob's wolf. Carlisle approaches the wolves. Sam looks at Carlisle, ready to listen.

"Welcome," Carlisle greets. "Jasper has experience with newborns. He can teach us how to defeat them."

Sam glances over at Jasper as the wolves stay behind him. Jared and Paul on either side of him, ready to protect if they have to.

"They wanna know how the newborns differ from us," Edward speaks up, reading Sam's mind.

"They're a great deal stronger than us," Carlisle explains, "because their own human blood lingers through their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than our first several months in this life."

He turns to Jasper and nods before he goes to stand with his wife and Rayne.

"Carlisle's right," Jasper speaks as he takes Carlisle's spot. "That's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army, but no human army could stand against them."

This earns a growl across the pack as Rayne moves to sit on a log beside Leah's wolf. Leah stays in between her and Sam, Embry, Paul and Jared are behind them. Jacob is amongst the pack, too.

"Now the two most important things to remember are first; never let them get their arms around you, they'll crush you instantly," Jasper explains. "And second," he turns to face the wolves with a serious face that would turn Rayne on if she were bi and didn't think of Jasper as a brother, "don't go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that. And you will lose."

Sam growls at this and Rayne snorts at Sam's reaction. Leah brushes her head against her as Seth stands near Leah and Sam.


Jasper and Emmett meet each other in the center of the clearing.

"Don't hold back," Jasper muses.

Emmett smirks, his love for fighting coming out.  "Not in my nature." He then goes running at Jasper.

Rayne bites her knuckles as she sits beside Leah's wolf, watching the Cullens train. Edward and Carlisle, first. Jasper is walking around, studying and observing their movements and teaching. Rosalie goes up next, agaisnt Jasper. And then it's Alice.

Rayne smiles at their cuteness.

"Rayne," Jasper says after. "Hum for us. Let's see how good we foo while you're in your element. Again!"

Rayne stands on the long and a hypnotic hum leaves her throat. Leah stares up at her as the vampires train during the sound, which is hard.

"Beautiful," Jasper muses. "Good... We'll see you soon."

"Rayne, come with us," Edward says as he and Jasper approach the siren. "We need to hide Bella's scent."

"Why do I have to come?" Rayne asks.

"To find yourself hiding spot during the battle," Jasper informs the siren. "Jacob!"

The wolf comes trotting over and looks at Edward.

"We might need your help," Edward informs Jacob and he listens to his thoughts. "We need to mask Bella's scent."

Jacob nods, agreeing. He trots off when Jasper lifts Rayne up, and he vamp speeds away. He stops in the woods and he looks around, looking in the sky and around at the trees. The empath is trying to find the steadiest tree for the pregnant siren to sit at during this battle.

Jasper looks at Rayne. "Wait here, darlin'."

Jasper disappears when he jumps into a tree. This is when Edward, Jacob, and Bella show up.

"Where'd Jasper go?" Bella asks.

"He's in a tree somewhere," Rayne replies. "Trying to find on steady enough for me and my belly."

Edward snorts at her comment. "You sure you're up for this, Rayne?"

"I'm actually useful in this," Rayne replies. "I'm up for it. Our town will be safe."

"Bella will be safe," Edward states, a hard look in his eyes as he narrows them at Rayne.

"Oh, we all know you're priority isn't Forks, Edward," Rayne says sharply as Jasper returns. "Your priority is Bella. But my pritotiy until Charles is born is keeping Forks and the locals safe from this army of newborns."

"Found you a tree," Jasper says, trying to defuse the situation before he takes off. "So, what are we doing?"

"Jacob will carry Bella on top of the mountain," Edward replies. "And one of us will see if his... odor masks Bella's scent." 

Jasper nods once. "Good plan." He looks at Bella. "Are you ready to do this?"

Bella nods and they try this out. Jasper goes in behind them.

"What's your baby's last name going to be now?" Edward asks Rayne.

"Rhône," Rayne replies. "Charles McCarty Rhône. Rhône after my mother's side of the family... her maiden name."

"Good move," Edward replies as Jasper returns.

"No Bella anywhere,"  Jasper states. "Good plan."

Rayne heads home and she snuggles with Leah on the couch while Paul is probably getting busy with Rachel in his bedroom, upstairs. Leah has her hands on Rayne's stomach and she's smiling as Charles moves around a few times.

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