Chapter 6

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Rayne stares at the freshly dug hole in the ground, waiting for the funeral people to set up everything for her mother's funeral. Rosalie is coming during the burial with the Cullens. Quinton is with Amelia's body at the funeral home. Edward has come in from Alaska just for the funeral.

They're having Amelia's funeral in Seattle, burying her beside Charles. She bought this plot when Charles died and when she told Quinton, he thought it was an awesome idea. He knows Charles was Amelia's first love and he'd have given anything to have Charles here with Rayne but now, Amelia is with Charles once again.

"Rayne?" Alice's voice sounds.

Rayne turns and she spots the perky Cullen walking over. Alice is wearing a black dress with some white flats. Her hair has been straightened, without the curl at the bottom.

"Are the others here early, too?" Rayne asks. "The funeral guys haven't even got here yet."

"It's just me and Jasper," Alice replies softly. "I didn't want you to be alone while Quinton is with your mother."

Rayne smiles. "I appreciate it."

Alice wraps a sisterly arm around the human as the funeral guys begin approaching with their burying equipment. Jasper soon wanders up and he stands on the other side of Rayne.

Once everything is set up, Rayne rides with Jasper and Alice to the funeral home. She's riding with Quinton behind the hearse to the cemetery.

Rosalie engulfs Rayne in a hug as soon as the human enters the funeral home. She was going to come to the burial with Emmett and Alana, but she had to be here for her mate. She just had to. Rayne wraps her arms around rosalie in return as Carlisle walks over.

"Rayne," Carlisle speaks up and the girl looks at him quickly, not pulling away from Rosalie. "I wanted to offer my condolences... it was amazing working with Amelia."

"She thought a lot of you, too, Carlisle," Rayne admits and she sees the preacher. "We better sit."

Rayne joins Quinton's side and he grabs her hand as the service begins.

Rayne leans in Rosalie's arms as the men lower Amelia's casket into the ground, six feet under and beside Charles. Her biological father who died the same day Rayne was conceived, before Amelia knew she was pregnant.

Rosalie keeps a secure arm around Rayne as she stares blanket at the hole her mother was just placed in while in a coffin. A frown is on Rayne's face but she feels so empty, like she has no more tears to cry. She's been crying for days, since her mother died. Since Quinton told her the devastating news.

"Carlisle is having the wake at our house, he and Quinton agreed," Edward states as he approaches the pair.

"We'll head back when we're done here," Rosalie informs her brother.

"I want... I want to stay u til she's fully buried," Rayne says and Edward looks at the plot.

"Alright," Edward replies. "I'll see you later, Rayne."

Rayne nods without speaking as Edward walks away. Rosalie goes to a tree on the outer edge of the cemetery while the men bury Amelia. Rayne is beside the grave, watching their every move. The men understand, they've had this happen with wives and even kids.

"You're with him now," Rayne says softly as the men finish and leave her alone. "You're with Charles... and don't you worry about me, mom. And don't worry about Quinton; we'll take care of each other and of ourselves. We will love you forever, mom. You'll always be with us in our hearts and minds." She looks at the sky with tear-filled eyes. "God, why did you take my rock away?" She whimpers. "Why?"

Rayne falls to her knees as a hesrtbreaking sob leaves her mouth. Rosalie tenses at the sound and she walks over slowly. She kneels beside the human and she gently placed her hand on Rayne's back. Rayne leans against Rosalie. The two females stay like that until Rayne is calm enough to head back to Forks; Rosalie drives car while Rayne rides shotgun.

Esme made a buttload of food for the humans of the Rhone family. Rhone is Amelia's maiden name; her family are of German and American origins. Her mother was American and father was German. The American side of Amelia's family are at the Cullens house, Jasper is out on a hunt so he doesn't slip.

Rayne is sitting at the piano in the foyer and she's playing a sad Beethoven tune. She hasn't played since she was sixteen but something about the piano soothes her. Edward leans against the wall across the room with his golden eyes closed but they widen when she human sings.

Adding in her own mix. It's a song for her mother. It isn't long until the crowd surrounds the piano, Rosalie sits on the bench beside Rayne as she sings and plays. Rayne's voice lures Jasper home and Carlisle is watching in fascination.

"Her mother was a siren," Quinton whispers to Carlisle to where no humans can hear. "She never trusted anyone with the secret but me... I know what you are and so did Amelia."

Carlisle smiles. "That explains the allure of Rayne's singing voice. She is a siren like her mother."

Quinton nods and he sighs. "Is she your daughter's mate?"

Carlisle looks at Rosalie sitting on the piano bench and he nods. "Yes, sir."

"Then I know she will be okay," Quinton replies. "I'm leaving Forks."

"We'll keep her safe," Carlisle promises.

Quinton hands Carlisle a note and he pats his shoulder. He looks at his daughter longingly before leaving, a tear falling from his eyes and strolling down his dark cheek.

Carlisle frowns at the retreating man. He doesn't want Rayne to lose a father on the same day she buries her mother but... there is nothing Carlisle can do. When the crowd begins to leave, he walks up to Rayne.

"This is from Quinton," Carlisle says hesitantly and he looks at Rosalie. "She might need you."

Rosalie furrows her eyebrows as she watches Rayne stare at the paper.

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