Chapter 7

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Rayne stares at the paper for a few for minutes as the family, excluding Carlisle, gather around Rayne. Jasper is sitting on the other side of the human and he squeezes her shoulder. The copper haired human glances at her friend and he nods, saying he's right there.

Rayne nods and she opens the letter.

Dearest Rayne Lynn,

I am sorry to be stained goodbye like this, through writing. I know how much you appreciate face-to-face goodbyes, but it would hurt me too much and it would keep me here but Rayne... Sweetheart, I can't stay in Forks anymore.

I only took the job in the Forks police station because of Amelia. She wanted to move to Forks because of the Cullens, the vampires. Yes, both your mother and I know. They'll keep you safe.

Since your mother is gone now, I can't be here. I can't be in Forks anymore. It is too much. You're not too much, but you're eighteen now. You are nearing nineteen soon enough.

Like I pretty much pointed out in the beginning, this is goodbye. I'm sorry. I'm leaving Forks and by the time you get this letter and read it, I will already be gone. So there is no point in trying to stop me. I also had my phone disconnected, so don't call.

You are my daughter. That adoption meant the entire world to me, Rayne Lynn. But this is it, this is goodbye.

Yours truly,
Quinton Davis.

Rayne has tears in her eyes by the time the finishes the letter. Quinton is leaving her? He left her? Rayne crumbles the paper in her hand and she leaves the house, no one dared follow her but Rosalie. Rosalie runs through the woods to catch up with her.

Inside her house, Rayne begins throwing things, breaking vases and the tv, everything. She breaks down, heavily. The grabs the phone from the hook and she throws it at her mom's computer at the furthest corner of the living room, smashing the screen. She grabs Quinton's aluminum baseball bat he left and she goes hammer on the couch.

Rayne let's put a scream as she kicks the coffee table, breaking it and she runs her fingers through her copper hair. She falls to her knees, surrounding herself in the mess and broken objects as Rosalie pushes the door open, she uses her super strength to push it open bevauxe the broken couch Rayne took apart with a baseball bat.

Rosalie says nothing as she steps over broken objects and she drops to her knees in front of Rayne. Rayne's eyes good every emotion known to man. Rage, betrayal, sadness, broken. Rosalie places a hand softly on Rayne's shoulder and the human flinches. Rayne was looking right at Rosalie but didn't see her.

Rayne finally sees Rosalie and her bottom lip instantly begins to tremble. "He... he.... he left..... they... everyone always.... they always leave!"

Rosalie frowns and she pulls Rayne into her arms. "I'm not leaving, Rayne. I'm not leaving you. I'm here."

Rayne wraps her arms around Rosalie and fries into the vampires quiet chest. Rosalie's dead heart breaks listening to Rayne's sobs. They sit like this until Jasper arrives and he looks around. Rosalie and Rayne are leaned against a wall.

"Rayne," Jasper speaks softly. "I can clean this up."

Rayne shakes her head. "I... I'll do it. I did it."

"Let us help you," Rosalie coos as she holds Rayne's hand.

Rayne only nods and she stands. The human and two vampires work on cleaning the living room. Cleaning the mess Rayne made when she lost control and went off.

" Edward back in Alaska?" Rayne asks as she gets into her car with Jasper, Rosalie is running. Since Rayne's car is a two seater.

"Yes," Jasper replies from the passenger's seat. "He left shortly after you did. Edward knew Rosalie and I could handle you."

"Carlisle told me you're an empath," Rayne states and the empath himself nods. "Please don't manipulate my emotions. I want to know what I'm feeling."

"I promise not to mess with your emotions, Rayne," Jasper says calmly as he looks out the window before glancing back at Rosalie's mate. "And I keep my promises."

Rayne smirks and nods, believing him. She drives on to the mansion and she goes inside. Esme hugs her and she lets her go upstairs to Rosalie. 

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