Chapter 9

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Rayne didn't feel like going home that night, so she slept at the Cullens in the only spare bedroom. She wanted to join Rosalie in her bedroom but didn't want to intrude on her privacy, so she slept alone.

Rayne is right now dressed with her naturally straight hair is brushed, and now, she is walking down the stairs. Rosalie and Alana are talking in husband voices by the balcony door.

"Rayne!" Emmett boasts, making Alana roll her eyes at his loudness. "Here, I poured you some fruit loops."

Rayne sighs and sits in one of the stools at the counter. "Thanks, Em."

The large vampire smirks. "I'm out. Alana, you riding with me or Rose?"

"You," Alana chirps and she smiles at Rayne before leaving with her mate / husband.

Rayne eats her cereal as Rosalie leans against the wall, watching her with a small grin on her face. Rayne looks up and meets her eyes, she smiles at her before she finishes up her breakfast Emmett made her. Rayne washes her bowl and spoon before she and Rose head out to her Dodge Viper.

Rosalie grand Rayne's free hand that isn't on the stirring wheel, and interlocks their gingers. A blush creeps onto Rayne's face as she drives, making the vampire smirk in satisfaction as she looks ahead, watching as the trees become a blur as the human drives to school.

School went and gone, the Cullens and Rayne are hanging out by their cars chatting. Edward keeps staring at Bella like he wants to talk to her more, but he doesn't make a move to. Rayne and Rosalie are leaning against the side of Emmett's Jeep, which is parked beside Rayne's car.

The sound of squealing tires on wet blacktop catches Rayne's attention. She turns her head away from Rosalie right as Tyler's black van comes swerving around the corner, heading straight toward Bella. Without thinking, Edward speeds over and uses his strength to stop the van from crushing his blood-singer, not wanting her to die.

Rosalie growls and she looks at Rayne, who is already getting into her car. The blonde quirks an eyebrow.

"Are you going to keep checking me out or are you getting in the car, Rose?" Rayne asks, amusement in her tone.

Rosalie scoffs and she gets in the car. Rayne pulls out of the high school parking lot after Alice and Jasper. They all drive to the hospital, where Carlisle will be.

"I'll wait here for you, Rose," Rayne says as she touches Rosalie's hand. "This is family business."

Rosalie leans over and kisses Rayne on the cheek before she heads inside. Alice slips into the  car when Jasper goes inside with Emmett, Edward, and Rosalie to discuses the exposure Edward preformed toward Bella with Carlisle.

"I'm glad Bella isn't dead but Edward really shouldn't have exposed you guys," Rayne says.

"I know," Alice replies. "But it's Bella. She will be close to the family and to Edward soon, especially when she learns the secret."

"Vampirism doesn't really stay secret forever when you're close to someone," Rayne claims. "At least I don't think it does. It could be for some."

"But sometimes it's just obvious," Alice replies. "Like us."

Rosalie comes rushing out, her face rigid. Alice bids her farewells before meeting her mate at his car. Rosalie gets into the Dodge Viper.

"Let's go to your house," Rosalie says. "I cannot stand to be around my brother right now."

"Want to go watch a movie in Port Angeles?" Rayne asks as she glances at the vampire.

"A date?" Rosalie asks, her eyes hopeful.

"If you want it to be our first date but it's Tuesday," Rayne says. "Let's do this to hang out and on Friday, we can go on our very first date."

Rosalie intertwines her fingers with Rayne's. "Okay." She leans over and starts the car and sits back in her seat.

The movie was boring, it was a new action movie Rosalie wanted to check out. On Friday, Rose is going to allow Rayne to choose what move they watch. Rayne was too busy watching Rosalie and eating peanut M&M's to even know what happened in the movie.

Rosalie and Rayne go back to the Spears household for the night, Rosalie knows she won't be too nice to Edward if she was to see him tonight - even if Rayne is there. She'd end up accidentally scaring Rayne away and she can't have that. She is finally happy since Royce King.

"Rayne," Rosalie speaks up. "Can... can I tell you my story?"

Rayne sits down on the couch beside Rosalie and she grabs her hand. "Of course. Take your time."

Rosalie sighs and she nods.

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