Chapter 1

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The picture staring up at Rayne is too much, a tear glides down the eighteen year old's cheek as she sits in her new bedroom. Her family has moved to Forks, Washington. The move isn't why Rayne's crying, she is glad they are away from Vegas.

Rayne is still heartbroken over Summer. Summer had cheated on her after three years. Rayne wants to be able to move on in Forks, but she isn't sure if she can with the heartbreak lingering and not wanting to leave.

"Rayne!" Quinton yells from downstairs. "C'mon, kid, you're going to be late!"

Rayne sighs before she wipes her tears away quickly. Today is the beginning of the school year at Forks High School, and its Rayne's first day as a senior here. Amelia chose the perfect time to enroll her when the family moved to Forks.

Rayne grabs her gray hooded jacket and she goes downstairs. "I'm ready, Quinton."

The dark skinned man smiles at the girl and nods. "Good. You better go, then."

Amelia comes rushing downstairs in her uniform, she is a big time surgeon. She begins job with doctor Carlisle Cullen at the hospital today. This is how Amelia and Quinton were able to buy Rayne a 2004 Dodge Viper for her seventeenth birthday, Summer had helped pay for it - to cover for her cheating, of course.

"Have a good day, sweetie," Amelia coos as she kisses Rayne's cheek. "Don't think too much about Summer. The girl is nothing to this family anymore after she hurt my girl. Have a good day! I'll be back in a couple days, I'm working forty-eight hours for my first shift."

"I know, mom," Rayne coos. "I'll see you then... See you later, Quinton. Have a good first day on the team."

Quinton is in his deputy's uniform, he starts at the police station. His boss is police chief Charlie Swan. Charlie lives two houses down, alone.

Rayne leaves the house before her parents can say another word and she walks to her Dodge Viper. She gets in and she grimaces. There is a picture of her and Summer on the dash. She grabs it and she opens the glove department before stuffing the unneeded picture inside of it.

The girl with copper hair sighs as she starts up her car and pulls out of the driveway. Her parents use the garage for their cars and Rayne uses the driveway. It's a two car garage, but Rayne isn't complaining. She's just glad to be away from what she calls gambling central.

Rayne pulls into the school after a short ten minute drive and she parks close to the school. The girl makes sure that the roof is up when she turns the engine off, and heads inside the school, beside a silver Volvo.

She shuts her car door easily and she sees everyone staring at her. She bows her head and she walks inside speedily.

Rosalie Hale gapes at the Dodge Viper pulling into the parking lot and that's when it hit her. That smell. Her eyes widen as she smells roses and lavender. She spots the car parking beside Edward's Volvo.

Rosalie watches as a stunning girl with copper hair steps out. When the girl notices everyone else staring, she ducks her head and goes in.

"Rose?" Alana says softly as she leaves her mate's arm, Alana is Emmett's mate. "What's the matter?"

Rosalie watches as the new girl goes inside. "I... i...."

"Rosalie,"Jasper speaks up this time, "calm down. Your emotions are all over the place."

Rosalie snaps her gaze toward Jasper. "I think I found my mate."

"The new girl?" Jasper asks and Rosalie nods. "A human... what are you going to do?"

"I can't let her in," Rosalie says with a frown. "I can't bring her into this world and put her in danger, Jas. I need to talk to Carlisle."

"That's a good idea," Jasper says calmly as Edward finally gets out of his Volvo. "Let's head in."

Rosalie and Rayne end you sharing their first three classes before lunch together. Rayne is invited to sit with some juniors. Jessica Stanley, Angela Webber, Eric Yorkie, Mike Newton, Tyler Crowley, and a girl named Lauren or something.  

Jessica is in gossip mode right now, telling Rayne all about the Cullens. Rosalie is watching Rayne intently, trying to figure her out. Rayne is only half listening to Jessica; she's trying not to think about Summer and that girl.

The only thing Rayne caught from Jessica were their names and which Cullen is which. The stunning blonde Rayne has just noticed is Rosalie. Then there is Jasper and Edward, two more blondes. Jasper has wild hair and Edward's is combed back with gel. Alice is small, she reminds Rayne of a princess. She has a pixie haircut and the family's topaz eyes. Emmett and Alana.... they're cute together, Rayne thinks. Emmett's bigger, he appears to be more muscular than Edward and Jasper. yhd skin around his eyes is purple, as if he skips sleeping.

Rosalie looks up and she meets Rayne's eyes before looking away quickly to talk to Jasper. Jasper is her go-to if she needs someone to talk to. She doesn't have to lie about her feelings with the empath, she trusts Jasper's judgement completely. She also trusts Carlisle's.

The next four classes go by quickly. Rayne had these classes with Emmett Cullen. Emmett talked to Rayne during gym class, during the entire class. He even walks her out to her car after.

"You be careful going home," Emmett says as he sees the deadly glare that's being given to him from Rosalie. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Rayne watches as the guy gets into his Jeep and she sighs. She gets into her car and she leans back. She lets a tear fall as she thinks about Summer and the other girl before she starts the car up. Edward watches her with sad eyes before he looks at Rosalie.

"She was hurt before moving here," Edward tells Rosalie when Rayne is gone. "Her girlfriend of three years cheated on her."

Rosalie frowns as she looks at Rayne's empty parking space. "Wow. The girlfriend must have been crazy or blind. Rayne's beautiful."

"She is," Edward agrees before the duo get in his Volvo, Rosalie had rode with him.  "Let's go and get you yo Carlisle."

Rayne lays in her bed that night after dinner at the diner with Quinton and Chief Swan, thinking about Rosalie. She's beyond thankful it isn't Summer this time. Rayne thinks about Rosalie's beautiful face and her long hair.

Rayne sighs and she curls up into a ball, falling asleep.

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