Chapter 40

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Over the next couple weeks, Renesme grows remarkably fast. It's spooky. Yeah Charles is growing but he's growing at a normal baby pace. Ness now looks at least six or seven. Ness and Bella just came back, saying where Bella had seen Irina.

"Anya convinced Irina to come reconcile with us," Carlisle claims as Charles chews on his chew toy Leah bought him.

"It looks like she changed her mind," Edward retorts.

"Seeing Jacob must have been too much for her," Esme claims.

"I wish I could have just spoken to her," Bella claims as Rayne lays a tired head on Jasper's shoulder.

"She's family," Carlisle claims. "She'll come aroind."

Aro, Marcus, and Caius Volturi are sat around table with some of their archived books on the table. Aro is holding a book in his own hands as Irina Denali walks in, looking as if she's on a mission.

"What a pleasant surprise," Aro purrs as he glances at Irina from over the top of the book of his choice.

"What do you want?" Caius asls harshly as he faces the pretty blonde. "Hmm?"

"I have a crime to report," Irina claims. "The Cullens..."

At their name, Aro claps his book closed.

"They've done something terrible," Irina finishes.

Aro appears before her before she could even blink. "Allow me, my fear." Aro takes Irina's hand to see inside her mind, to see what crime she speaks of they committed. "Oh my," he breaths out as he looks at Irina.

Alice enters the living room with a vase and she suddenly gets pulled into a vision. The vase in her hand falls and breaks.

"What is it, A?" Rayne asks as she rushes to get Charles away from the broken glass.

"The Volturi, they're coming for us," Alice whispers, scared. "Aro, Caius, Marcus the guard, and Irina."

"Honey, come here," Bella says as she pulls Renesme close to her.

"Why?" Carlisle asks as Rayne pales.

"What did Irina see in the woods?" Edward asks his wife and Jacob.

"We were just walking," Bella claims.

"Ness was catching snowflakes," Jacob adds.

"Of course," Rayne sighs as she paces back and forth, Rosalie now has Charles. "Irina thinks that Ness is an immortal child." She remembers Carlisle explains the vampire 'laws' to her.

"The immortsl children were very beautiful, so enchanting," Carlisle speaks. "To be near them wad to love them. But their development was frozen at the age they were turned, they couldn't be taught or retrained. The Volturi were forced to intervene. And since the children couldn't protect our secret, they had to be destroyed. The creators grew very attached, fought to protect them. Long established covens were torn apart, countless humans slaughtered. Traditions, friends, even families, lost."

"Som the Denali's mother made an immortal child?" Bella asks. 

"Yes," Carlisle replies. "And she paid the price."

"Renesme is nothing like those children," Bella states. "She was born, not bitten. She grows every single day."

"Can't you just explain that to the Volturi?" Jacob asks desperately.

"Aro has enough proof through Irina's thoughts," Edward replies not

"So we fight," Jacob states.

"Their offensive weapons are too powerful," jasper explains. "No one could stand against Jane."

"Alec's even worse," Alice states. "It's why they want Rayne so bad, for her power."

"Well, then we convince them," Bella claims.

"They're coming to kill us and take my little siren," Emmett says to his new sister, "not to talk."

"No, you're right. They won't listen to us," Edward claims. "But maybe others can convince them. Carlisle, we have friends all around the world."

"I have an aunt in Florence who is a siren according to my mom's journals," Rayne adddn

"I won't ask them to fight," Carlisle says.

"Not fight, witness," Edward corrects the man. "If enough people knew the truth, maybe we can convince the fortified to listen."

Esme looks at her husband. "We can ask this of our friends... Rayne, you book a flight to Florence your you and your baby. Get your aunt on board."

Rayne nods, and she heads upstairs to book two tickets to Florence Italy.

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