2. The Calling of the Guardians

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The aura shone over a pink and gold castle. A bird girl flew around excitedly. "Ok" we have 99% of teeth collected!" Tooth said excitedly. A smaller fairy that looked exactaly like Tooth showed her one last tooth. "100%!" Tooth shouted. "Thanks Baby Tooth" Baby Tooth smiled and flew off. Then Tooth looked up and noticed the aura. She flew off towards the North Pole.

A man made out of golden sand sat atop his golden cloud spreading dreams everywhere. Sandy then noticed the aura overhead. He then made a small airplane out of sand and flew off.

There was one who knew by instinct that something was wrong. His large rabbit feet pounded against the walls of his home. Bunny emerged heroically from the hole. "Bloddy Hell" Bunny exclaimed "It's freezing cold out here" He ran towards the pole. "Ah, I can't feel my feet, can't feel my feet"

Ice and frost magically covered up windows and lightposts. It even froze a young boy's tongue to one of the lightposts. The person responsible for this laughed. "Oh man, this is great" Jack said as he swung himself around the tip of the eiffel tower. He then looked up and saw the aura. "Crap" Jack said. He turned towards the wind. "Wind, take me to the pole"

4 of the 5 guardians waited at the pole for Jack. "This is stupid" Bunny said. Tooth gasped "Bunny!" "Well, it's true that ninwit is always late" He looked up towards the moon. "Why him, He's so selfish, irresponsible, little ba-" "What were you saying Kanga" Jack said as he flew in. North shot Bunny a look. "Ah, Jackson Frost, finally" North said. "So why are we here exactally" Tooth asked. "Oh, yes. Pitch is here at the pole" North responded with authority. "Wait, what" Tooth said. "But he was defeated" Jack said. "Apparently not for long" Bunny added as he painted an egg. Then a shadow of Pitch appeared. Tooth gasped. "It realy is him." "So what do we do now?" Jack asked. "I don't know" North said."With his new allies plus nightmares, were outnumbered." "Wait, new allies" Jack asked. Sandy formed a bunch of symbols over his head. "I have no what you are saying" Jack said as he knelt to down Sandy's level. Then the moon appeared over his head. Jack turned around and saw the moon glowing brighter than ever before. The others noticed as well. Then the floor broke apart as a blue crystal appeared

"Guys" Tooth said "Do you know what this means?" "A new guardian" North said shocked. "It better not be the groundhog" Bunny said. "Please be the ground hog" Jack whispered to himself. The crystal broke open again revealing the faces of 3 people. "Now who are they" Bunny said. "I am not sure" North walked up to one of the girls her name appeared underneath. "Rapunzel" He walked to the next girl and her name appeared underneath. "Merida". He finally approached the boy as his nam e appearnd underneath. "Hiccup". Jack laughed. Tooth elbowed him. "Jack it is not wise to laugh at you future collegues. Jack looked at him confused. "I'll explain it when you get back" Noth said as he tossed the immortal boy a large red sack. He reached into the bag and pulled out 3 snowglobes. One was purple for Rapunzel, another was red for Merida, and green for Hiccup. Jack studied them. "Each will take you to them" North explained. "Why me?" Jack asked. "Your'e closer in age to them" North said. "now go". Jack walked towards the window. "Wait, If Pitch is back, can you make sure you look over Jamie, Sophie, and his friends for me?" They nooded. "Good" He placed the lobes in his pocket. He grabbed and opened the purple one and flew into the portal.

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