23. Astrid

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        Meanwhile, the guardians, vikings, Eugene, and Elinor sat in a cell guarded by 2 nightmares. "I swear I will kill you all if you don't let us out" Hiccup's friend Snotlout said. "Now let's not result to violence" Tooth said. "The faiy is right kid" Eugene said. Tuffnut played a harmonica. His sister, Ruffnut, yanked the harmonica away from her brother and hit him with it. "Ow" Tuffnet sid. Ruffnut laughed. "You're welcome" she replied.

        "I'm surrounded by dimwits" Elinor said. "I bet none of you know dragon triva" Fishlegs said. "No one cares" Snotlout said. Everyone else nodded. "would you all just shut up" Astrid said outside of the cell. But this was'nt the Astrid everyone knew. This Astrid had piercing golden eyes and black hair. 

        Then Pitch came in. "Astrid, how are our prisoners doing" he asked. "No excapes yet, sir, but their might be a casuality if they won't be quiet" she replied. "Very good" Pitch replied. "you remid me of my daughter, Miss Astrid" "I-I do" Astrid asked. "Yes you even look like her"  he said. "She was taken away from me a long, long time ago" 

        Then Gothel appeared. "Evening Gothel" Pitch told her. "I have brought something" she said. "It's not the children that you asked for but I consider this the next best thing" Gothel said as a chained up Toothless appeared beside her. Astrid blinked as her eyes turned back to blue and hair to blonde. "Toothless" Astrid cried. "Let him go" Astrid said as she pointed her axe at him. 

        "You know Astrid" Pitch said. "My daughter isn't dead. She betrayed me" Pitch said as he slammed her against the wall with dark magic. "I never imagined this kind of betrayal" Pitch said as he raised his hand blasting her with even more dark magic, knocking her unconsious. 

        "Pitch stop it" Bunny said. "Hurting innocent children" "Ah go suck an egg, rabbit" Pitch said as he dissapeared. "Hurry up, Blondie" Eugene said to himself.

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