16. Romantic Flight

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     Merida walked into the woods. She shot into a tree. She missed. "Wha, impossible I nevah meiss" She said to herself. "Get a grip lass, he's a vikin', I'm a princess. Eet'll nevah work" She yanked the arrow out of the tree and continued on.

     "Toothless! Where'd you go bud". Hiccup shouted. He then called out a night fury call. Toothless appeared again. "Hey bud, let's head back" Hiccup told the dragon. He got on him and they flew off.

     They flew over the woods. He saw Merida. "Toothless down" Hiccup told his dragon. But to his suprise Toothless disobeyed and grabbed Merida with his claws. Merida screamed as she flew through the air. Toothless landed on the top of the tree and dropped Merida onto a branch. "Hiccup wha' es goin' on" Merida asked. "I don't know it was all him. He offered her his hand. She took it and got on the dragon. "Get meh down" Merida said. "ok. Toothless down, gently" Hiccup said. "And listen this time" Toothless disobeyed again and the 3 of them flew through the air at top speed. "Bad dragon" Hiccup yelled as they spiraled through the air. "Thanks for nothing you useless reptile" Hiccup shouted as Merida screamed. Then the dragon stopped and began to glide.

      Merida opened her eyes and saw the beauty around her. She let go of her tight grip from Hiccup and reached her hand into a cloud. She shouted in joy. "Hiccup, this is amazing" she said. After a few hours, they landed by the river. Then Merida slapped him. "What was that for" Hiccup asked. "Fer kidnappin' meh" Merida said. "And thanks". "For what" Hiccup asked her. "Fer kidnappin' meh". She kissed his cheek and ran off. Toothless walked up to him and stated at him. "What" Hiccup asked as he walked back towards the others.

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