15. Stories

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     Hiccup repaired the tail. He saw the culprit of the tear. It was Baby Tooth. "Hey what are you doing here, little fairy thing" Hiccup asked her. She gave him an annoyed look and flew towards Jack. He looked up. It was almost dark. He returned to his friends.

     The 4 found a open area in the woods. Rapunzel was currently wrapping her hair around Jack's hand. Merida had borrowed Rapunzel's frying pan to cook some fish. Hiccup was trying to relight the fire. He gave up and made Toothless do it.

     "Why are you wrapping your hair around my hand" Jack asked. "You'll find out in a minute" Rapunzel told him. Rapunzel began to sing.

Flower gleam and glow

Let your power shine

Make the clock reverse

Bring back what once was mine

Heal what has been hurt

Change the fate's design

Save what has been lost

Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine

     Rapunzel unwrapped her hair from around his hand. Jack looked at his hand and saw that the cut was gone. "How did you that" Jack asked her. "It's something I could do since I was a baby. When my hair is cut it turns brown and loses it's power." Rapunzel told them. "That's why your hair was brown before" Hiccup said. Rapunzel nodded and continued. "My mother was very sick when she was pregnant with me. The only thing that would heal her was this magical golden flower. The guards found it, but it belonged to Mother Gothel. She used it's power to keep herself young for generations. The guards used it on my mother and here I am. But Gothel wanted her flower back so she took me. For 18 years I was locked up in a tower until Eugene found me. Then I found out who I was so Eugene cut my hair, killed Gothel and returned me home. But it still doesn't feel right." Rapunzel said. "And Eugene and I are to be married in a few months" "Congrats" Hiccup said. "Thanks" Rapunzel replied.

     "At least yer marriage isn't forced" Merida said. "Me Mum wanted me to get married about a year ago. It was supposed to unite our kingdoms. I got mad because all I wanted was mah freedom and tha' all of da suitors were idiots. Of course me being da princess I geet to choose da the challenge. I choose archery. So I shot for mah own hand. Me Mum got mad so I ran off meeting da witch. She gave me a spell to chance mah feet"

"Like what you did Hiccup" Rapunzel said. "What" Hiccup questioned. "You lost a foot didn't you" Rapunzel said to him. The 3 doubled over in laughter. "Do ye want mag to finish or not" Merida said. They stopped laughing. "Okeh. But she didn't tell meh that it would turn her into a bear. So we eventually changed her back after I convinced mah Da not to kill her. We have a great relationship now" Merida finished.

     "At least you have a Mom" Hiccup  added. "She was carried off years ago by a dragon" He sighed. "My village used to hate dragons. There was a raid practically every night. During one raid, however, I shot down a night fury. Being labeled as 'the village idiot'  , no one believed me. So I hunted him down the next day. I found him and tried to kill him but I couldn't, he looked as scared as I was. I freed him. I found out he couldn't fly because he was missing part of his tail. I rebuilt him a tail and I trained him. It wasn't long before everyone else found out. But Toothless, I, and Astrid found out that there was this big dragon that eats everything. My dad set out to find it after he disowned me. He found it. The other riders and I fought off the big dragon. After we killed it there was an explosion were I lost my leg. After waking up from a 3 day coma I saw that Berk loved dragons." Hiccup finished.

     "Yeah but did you die" Jack said. "It was about 300 years ago. I was out ice skating with my sister, Emma. Emma got on ice that was too thin. It began to break. I saved her but I fell through the ice instead. I was unseen by everyone, including Emma, for 300 years. I was finally seen by Jamie when we fought Pitch. After all that I became a guardian. The rest is history."

     Rapunzel yawned. "Let's get some sleep" Hiccup said. "What do you say bud" Hiccup turned around and saw Toothless running off. "I'll be right back" Hiccup said running after the dragon. "Em gonna' go shoot, it helps me wind down after a long day" Merida said as she headed deep into the woods. Once they were gone Rapunzel turned to Jack. "I have that feeling that Hiccup and Merida are going to be together." Rapunzel told him. Jack rolled his eyes.

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