26. Prison Bust

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     The 4 were led down a dark hallway. "What do you want with us?" Jack asked. "Well" Pitch said to Jack. "I want you to join me". He looked to Rapunzel. "Gothel wnts to be young forever, so you will be our prisoner forever" He looked to Hiccup. "I want you to train the dragons" . He turned to Merida. "And I guess you die" Pitch said to them all. He opened the cell door and threw them in. He locked the door behind him. 2 nightmares transforned into big burly guardsmen.

        "Wha' are we goin' to do" Merida asked. "I don' want ta deh" "No one does" Jack replied. Meanwhile Hiccup paced back and forth. "There has to be something" Hiccup wondered aloud. "I'm not sure how we could take out those guards" " There is always a way" Rapunzel said. Hiccup eyed Rapunzel's hair, Jack's staff, and his metal prosthetic. "I have a plan" Hiccup said. He bean to tell them of the plan.

        "Guards" Hiccup called out to the guards. "None of us can take this anymore, we will do whatever they want" Hiccup said. The guards turned to get the key. It was then Hiccup removed his metal leg and hid it behind his back. The guards unlocked the door not seeing that the boy was only standing on one leg. They unlocked the door and Hiccup hit one of the guards with the prosthetic. Rapunzel choked the other with her hair. They both transformed back into Horses. Then Jack froze one. It tuned to ice and broke apart into a zillion pieces on the floor. Merida fired a flaming arrow at the other. It hit the horse. The horse was in ashes in minutes. 

        Hiccup put his leg back on. They ran past the nightmares. "Ok Jack and Rapunzel, free the others. Merida and I will find Toothless." Hiccup told his friends as they ran off in oppositse directions.

        Jack and Rapunzel got to their friends a bit too easily. 2 guards guarded the cell. Rapunzel swung from where she was currently standing to the top of the cell. Rapunzel attached the frying pan to the end of her hair. She swung her hair back and forth knocking out both of the guards. The guards turned back into horses. Jack flew towards them and froze them. They exploded into many little pieces of ice. Jack froze the lock with it breaking apart as well. The door opened. 

        Merida and Hiccup found a door. There was a sign on the door. The sign said: DANGER DRAGONS. "Really" Hiccup said "it's just asking to be broken into." Hiccup said. Merida picked the lock with an arrow. The door opened. Inside there was all kinds of dragons. There were Terrible Terrors, Monsterous Nightmares, Gronckles, Deadly Nadders, but no Night Furies. Then they saw him. Toothless was tied up against a wall. Hiccup and Merida helped to untie the night fury. Merida found the other dragons. She freed them as well. All of the dragons flew back to their riders.

     They were happy to be reunited with their friends. Hiccup, Merida, and Toothless joined their friends.

     "Now what" Astrid asked. "Why did you join Pitch." Hiccup asked. "Ok, I got a bit jealous of your new friends" she replied. "I'm sorry". "Hey where is everyone" Rapunzel asked. "They left to release something" Tooth said. "This huge dragon I think" Hiccup's eyes widened. He got on Toothless. "Hiccup wha' are ye doing" Merida asked. "We have to stop them" Hiccup replied. He helped her onto the dragon. Jack grabbed Rapunzel. North sadly handed Jack a snowglobe. Jack grabbed it. He opened it. "To Pitch" he said as he slammed it against the ground.

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