7. Merida

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"Ladies and Gentlemen" the announcer shouted to the people of DunBroch. "Princess Merida of DunBroch". The guards opened the doors revealing the wild haired princess biting into an apple. Merida looked at the crowd of people and then to her mother. The girl spit out her apple and tossed it aside. Her mother gave her a stern look but that didn't stop Merida from stomping onto her throne. She sat in her throne.

Merida ignored the talking in the meeting. It was something about war with the vikings on Berk. Once the meeting was over Merida ran to her horse. She was about to get on her horse when she saw something lurking in the corner. So she gasped in suprise as her mother came out of the dark corner. "Mum" Merida asked confused "Whut are ye doing here" "I'm her to talk to you about the little embarrassment in the throne room" Elinor said to her daughter. Merida barely heard what her mother said because Merida was almost hipnotised by her golden eyes. Merida broke free from her "mother's" grasp. "Ok Mum can we talk about his later" She got on her horse. Then she saw her mother's eyes return to it's shade of brown. "Of couse my dear" Elinor said as her daughter ran off.

As Merida ran through the courtyard she saw her brothers attempting to ger some sweets from the baker. Merida snickered. She ran into the woods and began firing arrows into targets that she had placed there many years before. Then the horse stoped adruptly throwing her off. The horse ran off. "Fine, I didn't need ye anyweh" Merida shouted as it ran off. She looked around and discoverd where she was. She was sitting in the middle of the giant stone hedge. Merida then heard a sound behind her. She hid behind the nearest stone. She pulled out an arrow, placed it in her bow, she fired.

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