1. The return of Pitch

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A very large man with a long white beard sat tinkering on a small ice train. He sat the ice train on ice tracks. It started and jumped off the tracks. It flew around the room. The man laughed. Then a door opened, breaking the ice train. "North" the yeti said. Noth sighed. "How many times did I tell you to knock, Phil!" Noth said. The yeti said something that sounded like jibberish. " The globe" North said shocked.

A crowd of elves blocked him out of the way. "Get out of the way" North said as he walked through the crowd. "Why are you always under boot" He looked at the giant globe in the center of the room. "Did you check the axis?" He asked the nearby yeti. The yeti's looked at each other confused. Then black sand began to swirl around the gobe. The sand exploded recealing siloheuetts of Pitch, a woman, a dragon, and a bear. North gasphed. "Elves get cleaning. We are gong to have company. North slammed his hand down on the button as a huge aura beamed out of the pole.

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