4. Winter meets Spring

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The victim fell onto the ground. Rapunzel and Pascal looked at the strange man. "Who are you" Rapunzel asked. Pascal looked at her confused. "That was retorical" Rapunzel said annoyed. She took the handle of the pan to flip a piece of silver hair away from his face. Then his icy blue eyes snapped open.

Jack fumbled around for his staff. "Hi" Rapunzel said. "Um hi?' Jack responded. Jack looked at her for a moment and realized she was Rapunzel. "Hey, do you happen to be Rapunzel" Jack asked. "Yes" Rapunzel said confused. She pointed the pan at his face. "And who are you" ""Jack Frost" Jack replied. The girl's face went from scared to extremely happy in 2 seconds.

"What, seriosly" Rapunzel said exitedly. Jack nodded. "Yay, I knew you were real!" Jack smiled. "Make it snow." In a matter of minutes the groud was covered in snow. "Ok why are you here, it's nowhere near winter?" Rapunzel asked. "Oh, well, this is the crazy thing, I came for you" Jack said. "What" Rapunzel said. "Why me"

Jack sighed. "I'll explain on the way" He grabbed her hand. "You just have to come with me." Rapunzel sighed. "Ok" she said hesatantly. Then Jack picked her up bridal style. "Wait, where are we going" Rapunzel asked. "A place that's 40 degrees south of freezing to death" Rapunzel looked at him confused Jack sighed "Berk" Jack opened the green portal. Rapunzel's grip on him tightened as they flew through the portal.

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