25. Darkness

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The 4 landed in the lair. "It's a beet brighter than I imagined" Merida said. "But still shadowey" Rapunzel said. "Can we just focus so we can get out of here" Hiccup said. They continued to venture into the lair. It wasn't long until they were spotted by a nightmare. It called the other nightmares. The nightmares chased the 4 around the lair.

The 4 ran around the corner. Thery ran across the bridge. It began to collapse beneath their feet. Hiccup lagged behind and fell off of the bridge. The other's made it to the other side and saw their friend falling. Rapunzel swung her hair around his waist. "Hang on" she said to him as she lifted her hair away from the nightmares. Hiccup took out a small knife and began to stab several nightmares. "Take that, succas" Hiccup said to the nightmares as he faceplanted into the pillar that supported the bridge. "Sorry" Rapunzel called out to him. She lifted him up onto the platform.

"Are you ok" Rapunzel asked him. "Yeah" Hiccup replied Then the nightmares began to fly. They ran off. They saw the dungeons and then saw thie friends. They lept down to them. Then they saw Astrid. Hiccup ran to her. "Astid" Hiccup said as he shook her. Her eyes snapped open. "Thank gods, I was worr-" He didn't get to finish his sentence. Astrid wrapped her hands around his neck and slammed him against the wall.

"Hiccup" Merida called out. Astrid looked to her. She let go of Hiccup. She threw her axe at her. Merida jumped out of the way. Merida fired an arrow at her. Astrid jumped out of the way as well. Hiccup then came up behind her and threw her to the floor. Her head hit the hard floor. Hiccup went back over to his friends.

"Well" Pitch said as he apeared behind him. Astrid got up and rubbed her head. "W-what h-happened" Astrid asked. "You almost killed me" Hiccup said. "And meh" Merida added. "How" Astrid asked herself. "The darkness overtook you" Pitch replied. Then he forced the girl into a cell along with the others. "We have a special place for you four". With that he disappeared taking the 4 with him.

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