12. Dark Horse

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"To the sleigh" North said. "Wait, sleigh" Hiccup siad. "yeah you guys are going to love this" Jack added. The others got on. Bunny got on silighty trebling in fear. "Ye comin' lad" Merida said Hiccup. "Um I-I think I might take Toothless" Hiccup said "That's better anyway.... and safer" Then North grabbed him by his vest. and put thim in the sleigh. "Come on lad quit being a wuss". Toothless got in the sleigh. They took off. They did loop de loops around the walld of the cave. Jack, Rapunzel,and Merida laughed. Hiccup screamed. North opened a portal. They flew through the portal.

There was black horses flying around them. They galloped past them. "The're trying to get the tooth fairies" Jack said as he flew after it.

A horses kept whizzing by the sleigh. Rapunzel yanked her frying pan out of her hair and started swatting at the horses. Merida grabbed an arrow. It lit on fire. "Wha" Merida asked. She fired. The horse exploded. Toothless shot plasma blasts at the horses. Meanwhile Jack raced after the horses. He shot the horse with ice. It froze falling from the sky. Jack caught a fairy. He flew back to the sleigh. He looked at the fairy in his hand. "You okay Baby Tooth" Jack asked the fairy. She nodded.

Hiccup pried himself from his seat.

"What can I do" he asked. "Here take over" North said as he handed the 15 year old the reins. North pulled out two swords. Bunny fought off some with a boomerang. Sandy fought on with sand whips. Hiccup steered. North instructed him to land the sleigh. He did.

They found Tooth sitting on her knees, crying. "They took everything" Tooth said through tears. "Well not all" Jack said as he unfolded his hand. Baby Tooth flew to Tooth. "At least you're ok" Tooth said to he smaller counterpart.

"Oh how touching" Pitch said. His shadow circled around. He came into view. "The big 4 all in one place"

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