22. Jail Break

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        "Let us out" Merida shouted. "Help" Hiccup shouted. Merida picked up a chair. "Move et" she told him. Hiccup moved out of the way. Merida slammed the chair into the door. When the door didn't open she kept banging the chair against the door. Hiccup stopped her. Hiccup put his face against the window.

        "Hey who are these  kids" Hiccup said as he looked at the three red headed boys. "Boys" Meida said as she looked at her brothers. One of her brothers pointed at Hiccup. "This is Hiccup" Merida told her brothers. One stuck his tongue at Hiccup. Merida rolled her eyes. 'Boys, get da key" Merida tod them. They whistled. 3 identical small terrible terror dragons appeared behind them. They got on the dragons and flew off. Merida looked at Hiccup. "Maybe they sneaked onto a boat" Hiccup said to her. She huffed and unbraided her hair.

        The boys chased a guard around a corner. The raised tiny knives in the air. They chased him into the kitchen. The boys waited until he turned around and smacked him with a frying pan.

         The boys went back to the the dungen and offered the key to Merida. "Good job boys" Merida encouraged the boys. They went out to the barn. Hiccup eyes widened once he saw Merida's horse. "Merida, I think your horse ate a another horse" HIccup said. "No he's just big boned" Merida said as she pulled Hiccup up on the horse. They rode offf towards Corona. 

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