14. Water

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They flew through the portal. Rapunzel grabbed Jack's hand. She saw the blood beginning to leak out. "Jack, you're bleeding" Rapunzel said worried. "I'll be fine" Jack reassured her. "Anyone know where we are" Hiccup asked. The rest of them shook their heads. Then something ripped through Toothless's prostatic tail. They began to fall. Hiccup saw that they were approaching a large river. "Everyone take a deep breath" Hiccup called out to them before they hit the water.

The water was cold and murky. None of them could barely see. No one could tell which way was up. Then to almost everyone else's suprise, Rapunzel's hair began to glow. With the light, Everyone was able to see and swam up to the surface.

"We made it" Rapunzel said as she climbed out of the water. "We're alive" Hiccup said as he climbed out. "Her hair glows" Jack said. Pascal climbed out of the water. "Why does it glow" Jack asked the chameleon. "Jack" Rapunzel said as she offered him a hand up. "Maybe we can fix that up" she said gesturing to his hand. "Wait, where's Merida" Hiccup asked. They looked over and saw Merida and Toothless attempting to catch fish. "Nevermind"

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