17. Village Dance

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        The 4 awoke the next morning. "Good Morning" Rapunzel told them. " Morning" they all replied together. "So where were you guys last night" Rapunzel asked Hiccup and Merida. "Oh" Hiccup said. "Well, I took Merida on a ride with Toothless." "I see" Rapunzel said. Merida and Hiccup turned red. "Anyway" Jack said rather loudly. I found a place where we can hide ot for a while" "Hide out?" Rapunzel questioned. "Well, yeah. Pitch took our friends and he might come for us too." Jack explained. "Ok, sounds fun, let's go" Rapunzel said as she ran ahead. "Which direction are we going"

        The 4 entered the village. Rapunzel looked around in amazement. Jack picked up a piece of paper. He crumbled it up into a ball and threw it at Merida. She groaned and threw it back at him. Then they started to fight. They stopped when Pascal gave them the evil eye.

      Rapunzel looked happily at the village. She winced in pain when people kept stepping on her hair. Her friends ran after her. They picked up her hair off the ground. Merida then noticed a group of girls braiding each other's hair. "Hey wee lassies" Merida shouted to the girls. They saw Rapunzel's hair and squealed with delight. The girls braided Rapunzel's hair until her hair was no longer reaching the floor. They even convinced Merida to let the girls braiding her hair.

     Jack looked lovingly at Rapunzel. Baby Tooth rolled her eyes. Jack quickly pushed away his feelings. She has a fiancee. What was he thinking?

     Merida looked down at her dress. It was ripped in many places. She walked into a shop and got a new one. It was a dark turquoise color with gold accents. Hiccup stared at her. "I know it looks stupid" She said as she pushed past him. Hiccup got a basket of fish from a street vendor. Merida taught Rapunzel how to shoot.

     Rapunzel went back into the town square and saw that there was music playing. She ran out into the center of the square and began to dance. He friends returned and saw her. She pulled in a couple of people from the crowd. She grabbed Hiccup and Merida and pulled them into the dance as well. It wasn't long before the whole village was dancing. The musicians got louder. Rapunzel motioned for him to join. He shook his head. Toothless swished his tail and forced Jack into the crowd. Just as the music ended, Hiccup and Merida, and Jack and Rapunzel met in the center. The crowd cheered.

     Later that day, Rapunzel got her friends cupcakes. She handed one to Jack. "No it will look like a floating cupcake. No one would see me" Jack said. "But we do" Merida told him. He took the cupcake. "Wow is that a real dragon" a little boy asked looking up to Toothless. "Yep" Hiccup said. Hiccup lifted the boy onto Toothless. "Cool" he said. The little girls ran up to Merida and Rapunzel wanting them to do their hair. Then Jack felt a small hand tug on his hoodie. "I like your stick" she told him. "What does it do" "this" Jack said as snow fell from the sky. The children ran out to play in the snow. "Thank you old kid" she said as she hugged him. She ran off.

     "I knew people could see you" Rapunzel said. "Should we go" Hiccup said. Merida climbed on Toothless. "Wait can I ride him" Rapunzel asked Hiccup. He nodded as Merida got off. "Now whut." she asked. "Climb aboard princess" Jack said. "I hate ye" Merida said as she climbed on Jack's back. They flew away from the village.

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