3. Rapunzel

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It was a warm spring day over the kingdom of Corona. Mostly everyone was fast asleep, well all except for one. Princess Rapunzel swept the floor much to the servants' dismay. The maid kept a watchful eye on the princess. Rapunzel noticed that she was being stared at. "What are you doing" the brunette asked. "I'm making sure you do this right" the maid said. "Now in my opinion, I personally think that princesses shouldn't work" "oh" Rapunzel slightly taken back by this. "I-it's just a force of habit I guess" She handed the broom back to the maid and walked. She walked back up to her room. When she got up there she saw her fiance, Eugene, still asleep in their bed. Rapunzel chuckled to herself. She looked over and saw her green chamelion, Pascal asleep on her pilllow. She picked him up and placed him on her shoulder. Pascal jumped awake.

"Morning sleepyhead" Rapunzel said teasilingly. Pascal looked at her irritated. The princess sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. She walked into the dining romm and saw her mother and father at the table. "Hello Mother, Father" Rapunzel told her parents. "Morning dear" her mother replied. "So why were you helping out the maids this morning" her mother asked. "Oh, um, force of habit" Rapunzel replied "sorry. So Mother, can I go out into town today?" "of course my dear" her mother replied. "You might also want to pick up some things for your wedding" "Of corse, of courese I will." Rapunzel said as she ran out the door.

In the town, there was wonderful smells everywhere. A few people greeted he with a cherry hello. She smiled and being the singsongy person that she is ,began to sing.

Everyday starts in the early morning,

I help to clean and clean all day.

But I'm allways cast away due to my title and about that time it's 7:15.

She noticed a library and ran inside.

So I'll read a book, maybe 2 or 3

She painted on the streeets

I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery.

She sang as she did things throughout town

I'll play guitar and knit, and cook and basically

Just wonder when will my life begin?

She returned back to the castle for lunch

Then after lunch it's puzzles and darts, and baking

Paper mache, a bit of ballet and chess

Poetry and ventriloquy, candle making

Then I'll stretch,

Maybe sketch.

Sew a dress,

She then saw the gates open. She ran through them and into the forest on the outskirts of the kingdom.

I know this place like the back of my hand,

So I'll run into the woods as fast as I can.

Kick off my shoes, ditch my crown

and frolic and be free.

So I'll keep wondering and wondering and wondering when will my li-

Rapunzel looked up and saw her old tower where she was locked up for the first 18 years of her life.

I spent all my life up there, wondering what life was like out here

But now that I'm here, after finding a new life and love

I just can't help but woder if this is where my life begins?

A tear slips from her huge green eyes and onto the ground. A golden flower grew. Rapunzel picked it and placed it behind her ear. "will it" She said to herself.

She then heard a noise behind her. She pulled out her frying pan. The person responsible for this stood a few meters in front of her. She ran up to him and smacked the white haired boy in the back of his head.

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