18. Race

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        The 4 flew through the sky. "This is so fun!" Rapunzel yealled as she flew on Toothless. "I know right" Hiccup said. "I am not" Merida said. "C'mon Prinecss lighten up." Jack said. Merida grumbled. "Hey want to do something fun" Jack said. "Ok fine they all said" "Ok race ya" Jack challenged. "In 3... 2.... 1..." He flew off. "Hey" Hiccup shouted. "FROST". "C'mon lets beat him" Rapunzel said with  determination.

        They raced after him. They flew through the trees. Then something flew in his face. It was his old cheat sheet. Then Rapunzel screamed. He tossed the cheat sheet out of his face. He say huge rocks in front of him. He tossed the piece of paper out of the  way. He flew through the rocks with ease.

        They got out of the rock formation. "You know you couldv'e went over it right." Jack said. Hiccup rolled his eyes. They landed on a beach. "Okeh, I'll fend a place to set up camp" Merida said. The other's swam in the ocean. 

        Merida walked through the dense woods. She heard a sound behind her. "Guys" she called aloud. Then a hand clamped over her mouth. 

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