29. Battle part 2

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     Hiccup and Toothless flew through the air as the Red Death flew after them. "Toothless, hold" they stopped in midair. The gigantic dragon flew closer. "Now" Hiccup shouted as Toothless fired a fatal plasma blast at the dragon. There was an explosion. The blast threw them back. Lucky for them, the sleigh was right below them, catching them. Jack was there as well. "You ok" he asked. Hiccup nodded. The 3 of them fought the nightmares.

        Merida and her parents fought on struggling to defeat the bear. Then out of nowhere, a plasma blast hit the bear in the back of the head. "Hiccup?" Merida said slightly confused. "Did I get him?" Hiccup asked. His question was answered when the bear got back up. Toothless fired another plasma blast at the demon. The bear jumped on top of Toothless. Stoick saw this and punched the bear. It growled. Fergus stabbed his sword into Mordu's back. Toothless then attacked Mordu by slamming him into a tree. The dragon slammed the bear into the tree. Mordu attacked Toothless again

This went on for a while. Toothless then fired a fatal plasma blast at the bear killing the bear. Fergus then chopped the bear's head off. "I killed him" Fergus said as he walked off. Hiccup and Merida gagged at the sight. "When thus is over" Merida said. "I'm taking a long nap".

     Rapunzel fought attempting to defeat the witch. Eugene fought off nightmares along with the others.
Then Gothel grabbed a hold of Rapunzel's hair. She began to drag her out to the frozen waters around the island. The ice began to crack underneath her feet. Gothel smiled at her evilly.

     The others fought against the nightmares. Jack once again flew towards Pitch. "Back so soon, Frost" Pitch said. Jack blasted Pitch with ice. Pitch blasted Jack with again with dark magic. Jack flew behind pitch and smacked him in the back of the head. Pitch went unconscious and fell to the earth below. Jack then noticed Rapunzel. "RAPUNZEL" Jack yelled as he raced towards her. The others noticed as well. Astird tossed Rapunzel her axe as Astrid prayed that the girl would catch it. Rapunzel did.

        "Oh and what are you going to do with that silly old thing." Gothel asked. "This" Rapunzel said as she cut her hair, It turned brown once more. "NOOOOO" Gothel screamed as she felt herself aging older and older. Then the ice cracked enen more. Just as the ice was about to give out beneath her, Jack grabbed her just in time. The ice gave away completely when Gothel was just a pile of ashes. 

        Jack set her down on the ground. "Eugene" Rapunzel said as she ran up to embrace him. "Don't scare me like that ever again" Eugene said as he kissed her. "Oh" Pitch sad as he awoke. "How cute. I hate it" Pitch said as he sent his nightmares towards them. To his suprise the didn't budge. "I said go dammit" Pitch shouted. "Attack them. kill them". But to everyone's suprisethe nightmares turned towards Pitch and ran after him. They chased him to the lair. Pitch hopped down into his lair. The nightmares followed him down into the hole as it dissapeared.

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