11. Guardians?

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"What" Rapunzel questioned. "Why didn't you tell us?" Hiccup asked. "I'm sorry. They wanted to tell you" Jack said jesturing to the guardians. "Oh yes" North said. "Welcome to the pole. The 3 teens got off the floor. "Pole?" Merida questioned. "The North Pole" North added. "I'm North" he said "And this is Tooth, Bunny, and Sandy" He looked at Sandy and saw he was asleep. He nudged Sandy awake. Sandy waved happily at them. Rapunzel waved. "Are you ready to become guardians" The 3 looked at each other confused. "I'm going to take that complete silence as a yes!"

The 3 quickly began to object to this but they were ignored. An elf glared at Rapunzel's bare feet and shook his head. Another elf attempted to brush Merida's hair. Another elf attacked Toothless. Jack saw their discomfort and lifted his staff. He smashed the staff against the floor. The guardians looked at the others confused. "Why us" Hiccup asked. "What do you even do?" Merida asked.

"Well" Tooth said "we watch over the children of the world and the moon chose you because he thought you guys were worthy". "This is why we can't rely on children to watch over children" Bunny said. "Shut it Kangaroo" Jack said. "Kangaroo" Rapunzel asked. "Eh admit he does look one" Merida added. "He even has the accent and everything" Hiccup added.

"Jack" North said. "Can you show our new recruits around please" "sure" Jack said. North sighed. "What are we going to do" North looked up at the moon.

Jack led the others around the pole. "Sorry about everything" Jack added. "It's ok" Rapunzel said "Right guys" "Okeh" Merida said. "Fine" Hiccup said. "Where's Toothless"

The 4 rounded the corner. They saw the Dragon on top of the globe. "Toothless, bud, get down" Hiccup said. Toothless laughed. "Don't make me come and get you"

Bunny entered the room. Toothless lept from the globe to the floor. They saw Tooth fly. "There's trouble at the Tooth Palace"

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