5. Hiccup

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There was a black as night dragon sitting on the rooftop of someones house digging it's nails into the rooftop. The person inside heard it too. This person, Hiccup covered his head back up with the thin blanket. The dragon the crawled in through the window of the home. The dragon licked Hiccup several gtimes. "Ok, ok, Toothless, I'm up" Hiccup said as he got dressed. He ran outside only to slip in a puddle. "ow" the 15 year old replied. Toothless helped Hiccup back up on his feet, or foot. "ok bud' Hiccup said as he limbed on the dragon's back. "Let's fly"

The pair flew through the air. Hiccup reclicked his metal foot into te holster making Toothless's red tailfin open wider. "Ok bud ready" Toothless looked at his rider with a look of displeasure. "It'll be fine." Hiccup unhooked himsef from Toothless's saddle. He stood on his dragon's back and jumped off. He jumped unto a ledge and and ran with his dragon gliding beside him. Toothless flashed his toothless grin. Hiccup then saw he was running out of ledge. Toothless noticed this too and glided in front of the ledge. Hiccup jumped successfully onto his dragon's back. "YES, finally" Hiccup said as he got back onto Toothless. The two flew back home.

Hiccup loked down at the village he would inherit someday. He saw the twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, on their dragon, Barf and Belch, blowing stuff up yet again. "Ruff, Tuff" Hiccup called down to them. "Sorry, Hiccup" they both said in unison together. Then Fishlegs waved to him as his dragon, Meatlug, happily licked his face. Hiccup and Toothless landed. Snotlout walked up to them. "Hey Hiccup" Snotlout said. "Oh hello Snotlout, how do I owe the pleasure" Hiccup replid sarcatically. "Just so you know, Astrid and I are dating" Snotlout said. Then an axe whizzed past his head. "NO WE AREN'T SNOTFACE" Astrid replied annoyed. "See I'm alredy getting nicknames" said Snotlout. Astrid rolled her eyes. Snotlout ran off.

Hiccup looked at Toothless slightly bewildered. "Astrid, you ok" Hiccup asked. "Why do you care, you dumped me remember, Fishbone" Astrid said evily. "Um I think it would be the other way around" Hiccup said unsure of what was going on. Astrid held her axe to his throat. That was when he got a good look at her golden eyes. He then heard his father call for him. Hiccup took this moment to escape from the blonde's grasp.

He ran up to his father. "Hey Dad what's up" "I need to talk to you son" Stoick said as he placed a large hand on the boy's shoulder. "As you may know we have been fighting against the land of DunBroch for ages now" "Yeah Dad, I know, everyone on Berk or DunBroch knows that." Hiccup said. Stoick smiled at his son. "But there is a problem" Stoick replied. "We cannot bring the dragons with us and that your knowledge of them is very high.... I want you to watch over the dragons are away" Hiccup sighed. "Fine, and who will be going on this trip?" Hiccup asked. "That would be; me, your friends, and most of Berk" Stoick seemed proud of himself, which was, nothing new to Hiccup. "Goodbye, son, I might be back" Stoick said. "And I might still be here" Hiccup said "maybe"

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