28. Battle part 1

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        The 4 landed on Dragon Island. "Here, seriously" Hiccup said. "It's dark like them" Rapunzel said.

     "Well, if it isn't the big 4 all in one place." Pitch said. "How thrilling" Gothel said. Then Mordu appeared beside them. "Now this isn't just sand my dear Merida. He's real" Pitch said. "Now what was I forgetting" Pitch said. Then the Red Death emerged from the mountain. " oh yes that".

     Then the dragon shot fire out of it's mouth. Jack blocked the attack with ice. The fire evaporated. Then out of nowhere there was an explosion. "Take that flamethrower" Ruffnut shouted. "Firepit" Tuffnut finished.

     Hiccup sighed. "I love these idiots" he said as he got on Toothless and they took the skies. Eugene lept from Stormfly to Rapunzel. "Hey, how have you been" Eugene asked fighting a nightmare off with a frying pan. "Great besides this" she replied. She swatted another out of the way. "Well" Gothel said "if it isn't the couple that ruined my life".

     Merida shot an arrow at the demon bear. Then her parents appeared atherosclerosis side. "Da" she said excited. "Mum" she said confused. "Let's make this devil die".

     Jack flew towards Pitch. "Hello Jack" Pitch said. Jack blasted Pitch with ice. "Now you wouldn't want to hurt him would you" Pitch turned around and Jack saw Jamie asleep in his arms. Pitch dropped Jamie. "Jamie" Jack said as he raced towards his first believer.Jack grabbed the boy. He landed on the ground. "Jamie" then Jamie began to shift into a nightmare. Jack shot it with ice and ran off.

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