20. Alone

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        Jack and Rapunzel landed in Corona. "Ok let's get going" Rapunzel said. Jack stayed by the portal. "I'm sorry Punz. You have yo do this on your own" Jack said. With that Jack went back through the portal, leaving Rapunzel alone. 

        She walked back into the town and saw smoke rising above the kingdom. "MOM, DAD" she shouted as she ran through the kingdom. She found them outside the gate. She hugged them. "Rapunzel, darling, we were worried sick about you" the queen said. "I'm sorry Mother" Rapunzel said. "The guards found your crown in the forest" her father said. "What on earth happened to your hair" her mother asked. "It's a long story" Rapunzel said. "The better question is what happened here"

     "It wasn't long after you left" her mother began. "A giant dragon showed up and burned everything". Her mother began to cry. "There were 4 fatalities and almost everyone else was injured" her father finished. "Now where have you been young lady" he asked. "It's a long story" Rapunzel said. "We've got time" her father said as his daughter began to explain.

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