27. This is War

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        After Jack, Merida, Rapunzel, and Hiccup had left, the other's headed to DunBroch. When they got there they sawthe 2 leaders about to go to war. Elinor demounted her daughter's horse and ran towards her husband. "Fergus!" Elinor shouted. "Elinor, what are ye doin', lass" he said. "Our daughter is about to fight a battle, we need ye" Elinor said. "Impossible, I loked her and tha' vikin' boy in the dungeon" Fergis said. "Then why did they just come and save us" Elinor said gesturing to the others.
"But ye were at da' mettin'" he said "I was being controlled" she said. 

        "It's true chief" Astrid replied. "Then where have ye all been" Stoick asked. "Kidnapped" Astrid replied. "Well most of us. I joined the dark side. Pitch is capable of everything". "Pitch?" the father's asked confused. "He is a very evil man who will stop at nothing to kill the kids" Bunny said. Fergus rubbed his eyes. "Am I seeing this correctly" Stoick asked. "Yes" they all answered. "Let's go" Stoick said.

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