13. Rise of the Villans

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"Hello again" Pitch said. "Like my little party on the globe, North" North glared at him. Then the dark horses made their way towards the 4 teens. They were backed onto another platform. The pathway broke apart.

"Oh new recruits" Pich said as he appeared next to them. "How wonderful" He turned to Rapunzel. "And I happen to know your mother"

"Hello my flower" Gothel said. "You're not my mother" Rapunzel said. "Is that anyway to talk to your mother" Gothel replied. "Leave her alone" Jack said as he stepped in front of Rapunzel. "Oh cute" Gothel replied. "But here is something not so cute" There was a roaring of a bear. Mordu stepped into the light. "Mordu" Merida gasped. She began to fight off the bear. She shot the bar as it exploded into a cloud of black dust. "Oh and did you like my puppet trick" Pitch asked Merida. "Puppet" Merida questioned. "You mother. Don't worry she is safe locked up in my prison." Merida gasped. "What about Astrid" Hiccup asked. "I have a special plan for her" Pitch said "and that I have your other idiotic friends in my custody. He looked to Rapunzel. "And your little boyfriend as well" Pitch said. He looked to Jack. "And I might get Jamie too" Jack's grip on his staff tightened. "Looks like I struck a nerve there." Pitch added. Pitch turned around.

He pointed at the guardians. "Kill them" he instructed his nightmares.

The nightmares surrounded the guardians. The guardians began to fight them off. North threw a globe. A portal opened. "Go" he shouted. Hiccup got on Toothless and Merida got on as well. Jack told Rapunzel to get on Toothless as well. They began to fly towards the portal. Jack flew towards the guardians. North accendently cut open Jack's hand with his sword. "Go now" North told him. Jack flew through the portal. It closed behind him. The nightmares swirled around them before they dissapeared taking the guardians, Pitch, and Gothel with them.

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