'I have consulted with the others and we have decided to accept the move, we wish to thank you for your aid in doing so and will give aid back to you and The Sand Village if you ever need it. I have attached a map with the direct location of our current village, until we meet again. -Tenshi'

I attached the scroll in the small carrier the hawk wore, making sure that it was closed just before letting the bird fly up and into the sky, heading towards The Sand Village to give them the news of us deciding to move. I had informed the children after training that we were going to be relocating and upgrading the size of the village, they seemed to be excited about the news and had all ran off to see what they'd need to pack.

"I really hope we don't run into any trouble when moving, I'd hate for you to get injured" Asuna sighed, fanning herself with the pink foldable fan she always carried around. it was going to be a hot night, the sun was still high up in the sky and it was casting a harsh heatwave over us.

"do you think upgrading is really best? I don't want to bother the Kazekage for something we don't need.."

"Tenshi, we're growing as a village, we're always taking in new people, upgrading will make it a lot easier on us and we won't be so cramped. The children could have their own park to play in, we could build a hot spring and stores, start trading with other villages, make alliances, this is the best thing that's happened to us since we became a settlement."

"we'll have to start taking down the houses we already built, or at least some of them so rogues don't try and claim this as a gang hideout and terrorise passing traders and villagers"

"That's a good point, pulling down the bigger ones would be smart and the houses with a second floor" I nodded, agreeing.

"maybe we could build a proper school that Ren could teach in instead of having to make the children sit outside all day in the dirt"

"that would be a wonderful idea, maybe a bookstore so you could spend your days reading oh! and a store that sells sweets for Hideo" I chuckled at Asuna's enthusiasm.

"I'll let you talk with The Kazekage to-be about the buildings that need to be added, you're good with layouts"

"do you think we should start thinking about military?" Daisuke wondered, walking over with Hideo.

"why do you ask?"

"we have three hundred people, you can't protect all of them by yourself, you'll go insane. either we have to train the adults in how to fight or you have to start training the children harder" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"are you insane? we can't train the children harder, they're children, they have no business in becoming shinobi at this age, let them have a childhood for gods sake!" Asuna denied, standing up in alarm, her fan falling to the ground.

"but we can't just have one person who can fight, it's not safe, Asuna. we have to get more shinobi trained people" Hideo sighed heavily, crossing his arms.

"no offence but I'm not about to accept any and all rogues who come by, we'll turn into a joke! they could kill us when we're asleep or make shinobi from the other nations come and attack us"

"People leave their village all the time, if they happen to stumble upon the village here or at the new location we'll do a thorough review of them before allowing them to stay in the village permanently, but I will not train the children harder at this current time, they're only five, I won't take away their childhood" I voiced, standing up.

"you can't be serious, when did you become a shinobi?"

"i joined early and became a genin by the age of five, I was ANBU before ten. I had no childhood, these children do" I snapped, turning around and walking off. I entered my house and slammed the door behind me, growling in annoyance.

they won't go down the same path as me, they wont.

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