"I was the type of person, that held onto things too tight, unable to release my grip. When it no longer felt right and although it gave me blisters and my fingers would all ache, I thought that holding on, was worth the pain it takes. I used to think in loosing things, I'd lose a part of me too, that slowly I'd become someone my heart no longer knew. Then one day something happened, I dropped what I once held dear but my soul became much more lighter instead of being filled with fear. It taught my heart that some things, aren't meant to last for long: they arrive to teach you lessons and they continue on. You don't have to cling to people who no longer make you smile, or do something you've come to hate, if it isn't worth your while. That some times the things you're fighting for, isn't worth the cost. And not everything you ever lose, will be a loss."

• •

"Tenshi-sama?" I looked up from the scroll in my hand, peering over the oak desk I came to look into the eyes of Ari, who had both hands in front of her, fidgeting slightly under my stare. I gave a welcoming smile, not at all bothered that she slipped in through the door before it squeaked and alerted anyone else that she was in the building, which I'm sure, they wouldn't sense anyway.

"good afternoon, Ari. how are you doing today?" I wondered, letting the scroll fall from my grasp uncaringly, it was only paperwork afterall. I leaned over the desk some, wanting to give all my attention to the girl in front of me, since I knew that when one of the children came to see me, it was for something important.

"hmm..I'm okay, I think?" I nodded, understanding that at her age I didn't really understand the question myself, if I was okay or not, how would i be able to tell the difference from being okay to not being okay?

"oh?" I let out as she pulled out a small book from the weapon pouch she had on her waist, I reached over and took it from her outstretched hands, flipping it over to stare at the front of it, reading the words printed on the dark red colored cover that binded the how every many pages inside together.

"The Lover of The Stars"

"Tenshi-sama, is it true that love can only be between a man and a woman? if so, how come I feel the emotion of love towards a girl, does that make it wrong, or a sin?" I blinked a few times, digesting the question and words she spoke to me.


love is..

"Ari. love is love, no matter who it's between. why should the gender change the definition of the emotion you feel?"

"well...Daisuke said that love is only between a man and a woman and that if anyone he knew liked the same gender he would never talk to them again, he said they were bad people" I squinted in annoyance.

it's always Daisuke causing issues with the children..

"Ari, do you like another girl?"


"then love them with all your heart, don't let other people's words and opinions stop you from living your life the way you want it. You loving another girl doesn't affect him, it doesn't affect anyone but the both of you"

"the book says the love between a man and a woman is the most powerful thing in the world.."

"books can be misleading some times"

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