I set down two plates of toast at the table and an equal amount of cups with lemonade, I pursed my lips as an unsettled squirm passed through my stomach. it wasn't everyday I had to serve breakfast to a child, let alone a child I was to act as a mother to. I sighed, bringing a hand up to my head and rubbed my temples, I didn't sleep last night, I was up reading everything I could about parenting and after being told by Asuna to stop waking her up for answers I resorted to pacing the living room until I noticed the sun start to rise.

"you'll fail at protecting him, you know?" I flinched, turning my head to the right to see the small girl, I hadn't seen her since leaving the village, I had hoped I never would but I guess no one gets what they want always.

"you're wrong" I denied, turning away with a heavy heart.

"you can deny it all you want, I did and then you came and cut my throat. you'll do the same to him and all the children in this village, it's only a matter of time" her giggle followed her words, leaving me to flinch and furrow my eyebrows in reminder of what I had done to her.

"I'm not the same as I was back then, I don't blindly follow orders"

"now you order others to kill people like me"

"that's not what I meant" I hissed in annoyance.

"my mother is the one who gave your village the mission" I turned towards the table instantly, unable to form words.

"she wanted me gone and lied, saying I was a danger to everyone because of my kekki genkai"

"you were from a clan?" I asked confused.

"Akibara Clan, I was born with a mutation in the eyes, my kekki genkai instead of blue was black, she got scared and locked me away until I escaped and ran"

"how are you-"

"here? it's because of your bloodline, The Yamamoto Clan has been able to see the spirits of their family for generations"

since when was that a thing..

"but you're an Akibara, why would I be able to see you if that was true?"

"because you're an Akibara too, duh"

"don't give me attitude" I huffed. A sudden thump upstairs made my raise my head, I looked back at the table to see the girl gone and sighed, letting my shoulders drop in exasperation I walked over to the bottom of the stairs just as Shisui appeared at the top, his hair sticking out into different directions.


"Goodmorning Shisui, how was your sleep?" I questioned softly, smiling gently as he raised his hand towards his face and began to rub at his eye while he yawned.

"twas good, bu' it scary sleeping alone" he mumbled his words as he yawned, I hid any form of laughter about his misspoken words as he rubbed his eyes once more.

"breakfast is ready, come down and eat before it gets too cold, okay?" he nodded and began to clamber down the steps. I watched in case he stumbled and fell, once he made it down I watched as he walked over to the table and lifted himself up onto the chair, mildly surprised that he had such upper strength for a child his age.

could Itachi have trained him?

"Let's eat, hm?" I spoke as I took a seat in front of him.


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