Kaida pov

Tenshi-sama summoned us to her office before we could arrive to the academy, by us, I meant Hana and the idiot Akito. We stomped our way up the stairs, immensely annoyed by the amount of the stairs there were. I don't understand why the building couldn't have been on the same level as the other buildings, but if visitors came, I suppose a big building like this would help them find their way. we got to the top floor, after a few minutes and couldn't help but grumble as our thighs burned in pain.

"we gotta ask Tenshi-sama to teach us her teleportation jutsu" Hana huffed out, I nodded in agreement. Akito walked up the stairs a few moments later, staring at us with his stupid golden eyes. I scoffed and stood up, followed by Hana as we headed to her office that was in the middle of the floor.

maybe Kazekage-sama has more missions for us?

Hana knocked on her office doors, a few moments of silence passed over us before her voice trailed out to us. We pushed open the doors and entered. I tilted my head in confusion as I saw Asuna-san and Ren-sensei also in the room on either side of Tenshi-sama. Tenshi-sama was really pretty, more pretty than anyone I had ever seen. Her hair always seemed to be glowing and her eyes were the same colour as a blue birds' feathers.

"I'm glad you three could make it" her voice trailed out, soft and gentle, as it always was when speaking with us. I had never seen her get angry, not even as we joked about her getting marriage, instead she played right into the jokes and didn't seem too bothered by it, apart from the obvious pain behind her eyes.

"are we in trouble?" Hana wondered, curious.

"quite the opposite, I'd like for you three to make ten clones, right here" we stared in silence, confused over her request before as if in sync, we raised our hands and did the handsigns for the jutsu she asked of us. as we chanted together the jutsu, thirty loud poofs resonated in the room, as the smoke cleared, the room now held all of our clones as well.

"very good, your chakra control is well worth noting" we cancelled the jutsu, staring with no idea of what was happening.

"you three have a mission, but, not in Sunagakura this time"


"you will be going to Konoha, in fact, you'll be going directly to The Hidden Leaf"

"aw yeah!" She chuckled, as did Asuna-san and Ren-sensei.

"You'll be placing an order, at the blacksmiths, from there you will remain in the leaf until the package is ready before making your way back home"

Home. I didn't think I'd ever find somewhere to call home, but...if this was home, where Tenshi-sama was, then this is the best home anyone could ever ask for..

"what's the order?" She threw a scroll towards Akito, who looked at it confused.

"pass that over to the blacksmith, he'll take care of everything after that. also. When you get the package, don't look inside, no matter what."

"okay, Tenshi-sama" we chorused, understanding.

"good. you three will leave in an hour, I'm placing Hana as leader for this mission. remember what I've taught you and don't get into any fights with rogues, if there is trouble, you know how to summon me" we nodded. when we began to train, the first thing she ever taught us was how to signal to her that we were in trouble, so far, we hadn't ever needed to use it, but we all practiced it constantly just in case.

"You're dismissed"

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