Chapter 1

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I couldn't believe the fact that I was appointed as the head of the student council. It was something that I never thought would technically happen. Now the first thing on my task list was the Annual day. Well, the annual day is kind of a big deal at our college. Our chief guests cancelled at the last minute so we needed to find someone who was available on a short notice. But apparently, the cultural head and my bff Aayush had managed to find somebody. All I know is that they're cricketer's but they're not as famous as Virat Kohli or MSD. Anyways I hope I don't fuck up this opportunity.


I wash my face once before going out and hosting the show. Take deep breaths Alisha. You'll be able to do this. Just as I was about to go onto the stage I saw him. My crush. Since the past two years there's only one guy that has managed to steal my heart and now I have to host the Annual Day in front of my crush. Holy fucking sugarballs!! Spoiler Alert: I am going to faint soon.

"Aayush!" I yelled.

"Kya hua re? Kyu chilla rahi hein?"

"Why the fuck did you not tell me that when you said you were inviting cricketer's you meant Shubman Gill and Abhishek Sharma?"

"Why you like them?"

"I've had a huge crush on Shubman Gill since I was in ninth. Try to understand my situation here."

"Yeh meko thodi malum tha. In fact you should be happy that you're getting to perform in front of your crush." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Alisha, Aayush now go do the hosting. Principal is done with the speech." Our English teacher yelled at us.

"Yes ma'am." We said and began the event.


"Oh crap! I still can't believe that I pulled this off." I tell Aayush and he bursts out laughing.

"Oh there they are!" I hear the principal say and she's walking towards us along with Shubman Gill and Abhishek Sharma.

"Alisha, Aayush our guests want to tha-"

"Ma'am we need help over here for a second." One of the teachers yelled.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." She says and we nod.

"It was a really great function. Amazing hosting skills you have Alisha."

Wait, what? Did the Shubman Gill complement me? Holy fucking shit!

Aayush nudged me with his elbow and I was broken out of my trance. I muttered a 'thanks' and they spoke to us a bit more about our time at college and stuff. What surprised me even more was when these two asked me and for our Instagram id's.

"Hey idiot!" Someone hit me on my head.

"Hey Carissa. You were on fire tonight bro." I complemented my bff. We had been bffs since sixth grade and then since it was impossible for us to survive apart we decided to get into the same college.

"Thanks bro." She said and Aayush fake coughed.

"Oh I totally forgot to introduce her. This is Carissa my best friend. Carissa this is Abhishek Sharma and Shubman Gill."

"Nice to meet you guys." She replies and they shake hands. They them ask Carissa for her Instagram ID and she happily provides it for them.

"Anyways we gotta get going as we have practice early tomorrow morning. It was nice meeting you guys." Shubman smiled. Holy fuck! This is the smile I had fallen for when I'd first seen him. I smiled and we bid goodbye to each other and left home.


Hey guys!

I am back with another story! Although this time I can't really give you guys a guarantee if I could post everyday. I would love to post everyday but thanks to my online classes, test series and assignments I won't be able to post daily, but I promise I'll update three to four times every week. Hope you'll like this story!

Love love!

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