Chapter 4

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I walked into CROSSWORD, took a copy of The Chain of Gold novel  and sat on one of the mini stools, waiting for Alisha to walk in to the store.

Couple of nights back I gave Aditi, Alisha's Instagram ID and she decided to do some research (although, I'd prefer calling it stalking) and found out that she was an active member on wattpad. She created a fake ID with some name Shreya and started texting her.

And now Aditi loves texting her because the two of them have a lot in common. Getting back to the point, according to the 'stalking' done by my best friend, I am Alisha's biggest celebrity crush. So yeah now I've actually got a chance to ask her out, but I've got to follow the protocol and the protocol consists of me first becoming good friends with her before asking her out.

She's so sweet, she had no clue that the only reason I had that novel was because I wanted to give it to her. Me and reading are like poles apart, after me and she bickering over the book I managed to convince her that she should come with me to the food court. I think this is a great start to becoming friends.


"So, you read The Mortal Instruments?" She asks me while taking a piece of her burger.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask her.

"The Mortal Instruments, you know, the sequel series."

"Ohh, yeah I did, who's your favourite character?"

"I think it's got to be Isabelle, I just admire how strong she is!"

Thanks to Aditi, I know the entire story, she couldn't shut up about these series when she first started reading them. I never read them anyways, despite of her efforts to make me read them every time.

"So Alli, I hope you don't mind me calling you that?"

"Oh, no, absolutely not." She said and smiled. Damn! This is the smile that I fell for.

"Okay, so what are your hobbies or routine?"

"I am someone who loves reading and writing a lot, basically I can't survive without that. If you ask me about my routine well its always pretty packed, after college I go to the library nearby and study for another two hours, then reach home by 8, then dinner and some timepass and then study again or complete assignments."

"Your schedule is pretty packed, do I get the honour of reading something that you wrote?"

"Umm...its kinda embarrassing because of the stiff that I wrote. Maybe after a while when I think I'm comfortable with letting you read it."

"I'll be waiting for that day."

"That day's never going to come unless I date you." She quitely mutters and I think she doesn't know that I heard that.

"Heard you Alli!" I shout while going to get waffles and she blushes deeply. I return back with triple chocolate and red velvet waffles. I hand her the chocolate one and she smiles.

"So, what do you study for in the library?"

"Mostly, my SAT's." She says while biting the waffle and moaning.

"This is so good." She says pointing towards her waffle and I laugh.

"You mind if I join you while you study for your SAT'S?" I ask her.

"No, no, absolutely not, but not to be rude or anything why would you like to help me study?"

"I'll get to know some new stuff and we'll get to hang out, what say, you up?"

"Totally, so meet me in the library tomorrow at 6 in the evening."

"Yeah, okay cool."


It's 10 in the night and I'm lazing around on my bed when my phone rings. It's Aditi.

"Hey, how'd the 'date' go?" Aditi asks me.

"Aditi for the one billionth time, it wasn't a date, it was just two friends sitting and talking with each other."

"Whatever, you say, Kavinsky."

"Alright, so here's the thing, I managed to convince her to let me hang out with her at the library."

"Oh my god! That's amazing. Does that mean I have to tell you what all you've to deal with in SAT'S so that you can impress her?" She questions me.

"Pretty much yeah." I tell her.

"Alright, I'll do this but once I'm back in India, you're taking me book shopping and then out for a Shawarma."


"Hey, you want me to help you or not?" She questions me.

"Fine. You win I'll take you book shopping and for Shawarma."

"Yayy, this is amazing. Okay so here's all that you need to know."

Hey guys!

I'm back with another chapter, I know this chapter was kind of boring, because this was a filler type of chapter, dont worry the coming up chapters are going to be a lot more interesting than this one and don't forget to vote and comment down below your views and your what if's theories. They literally make my day. Until next time!

Adios Amigos!

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