Chapter 3

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"Alli?" Carissa said and touched my shoulder.

"Yeah?" I asked her.

"You're really lost in your thoughts today. Is everything alright?"

"I'm alright, just stressing over the SAT's."

"Yaar, you'll definitely clear it, chill." She said and I gave her a small smile. If only I could tell her that it isn't the SAT's, it was Shubman who I couldn't stop thinking about. I guess I'll tell them about this in break time.


"Aa gayi hamari maharani." Carissa said as I approached them for our break and rolled my eyes.

For some reason, she and Aayush, look awfully close today. I mean its been a while since we've become great friends with Aayush. I guess my two bffs have fallen for each other. I don't mind playing Cupid for these idiots.

That's when my phone made a 'ting' sound. Shriya991 started following you. I am always surprised by the amount of people who follow me everyday on wattpad. I mean it's not like I'm writing some best selling novel. It's a fanfiction and that too on Shubman Gill. Guess, there are a lot of fangirls like me out there.

My phone vibrated again and indeed it was Shriya who was texting me and I didn't want to be rude so I decided to text her back.

Hey, I am so happy to find someone really crazy for Shubman Gill as me. She texted me this and I couldn't help but smile at the text.

Hey, glad to know you like Shubman Gill too. That's when I started texting her and believe me we texted for 30 minutes straight before Carissa decided to drag me to the Mall to buy some stuff. This Shriya person is really sweet, and our choices are so damn similar, it'd be fun if I actually met here in real life.


It's been a few days since I've been talking to Shriya, she's extremely sweet and I really wish I could meet her, but unfortunately she stays in Boston.  Today's lectures seemed to drag, probably because my sole attention was to run to the Mall after college and get The Chain of Gold novel by Cassandra Clare. I know the novel is very expensive but I couldn't help it. I had saved up my pocket money for this book. Carissa had bunked college today by taking a holiday and Aayush had some work to be done in college, so it was just me going to CROSSWORD alone.

I walked inside and went to the teen fiction isle and gasped.

"No, no, no, no, this can't be happening, it's just 6 in the evening and they're out of books?!" I said to myself.

I asked the salesguy and he said that they were all out and that the new stock would come next week.

"Oh Lord! Why the heck does this happen to me?!" I whined.

"Looking for this?" An oddly familiar voice spoke and I turned around, my eyes wide and gasped. I am definitely hallucinating, this is impossible. Why will the Shubman Gill ask me if I want to buy Chain of Gold novel.

"Alisha are you alright?" He asked me and I nodded.

"I didn't know you liked to read." I mutter. What a stupid thing to say Alisha. Of course he likes to read! That's the reason he has the book in his hands.

"Actually, I do, but the thing is I want you to have this." He said and offered me the novel.

"What?! Why? I mean don't you want to read it?" I asked him.

"It's alright, I have the e-book and I think you should read this, it's so amazing." He said and I couldn't help but stare at him.

"I want you to take this Alisha." He said and put the book in my hands.


"No, I insist." He said and I took the book and payed for it at the cash counter, with him tagging behind me the entire time.

We walk out of the store together and he puts on his hoodie and glasses back on, while I just chuckle.

"Say, you wanna grab something to eat?" He asks me and I am stunned. Now, I am pretty sure that I am hallucinating.

"Yeah, sure let's head towards the food court." I smile.


Hey guys!

I know this chapter is kind of short but I promise that the upcoming ones will be lengthy. Also please shower some love for this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment down below.

Love y'all!

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