Chapter 24

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"Shubman Gill! Will you calm down already? It's my graduation, not yours." Alli whisper yells into our call.

"Yeah, but the day we make it official. I mean you're 21 now and your parents approval matters a lot." I say as calmly as I can.

"Arre, what's there to not like you?"

"You'll obviously say that because at the end of the day, all I need to do is buy you a book and you'll love me." I whisper yell back at her and she laughs at me.

"Just calm down, everything is going to be fine, okay?" She assures me.


"I gotta go, I'll see you at Harvard. Bye."

"Yeah. Bye."


I couldn't have bern more prouder of Alisha. I mean she practical topped her batch and also gave the valedictorian speech in front of the entire university. Damn! Mahn, my maa and Shahneel are going to tease me so much saying that she's smarter than me. Lol, but still I am really proud of her.

I look up and see Alisha walking with her parents towards me. She gives me a look that clearly says calm-the-fuck-down-or-you'll-have-a-heartattack. I nod at her.

"Maa, daddy, I want you guys to meet someone." She says and looks at me.

"Isn't he Shubman Gill?" Her dad questions and she nods.

"Umm.. how do I say this.. he's.. ugh my boyfriend.. we're dating."  She says and her parents chuckle at her.

"Shubman Gill. Nice to meet you uncle." I say and we shake hands.

"Nice to meet you too, aunty." I say and we shake hands. Her mom gives me a smile and says something to Alli in marathi to which Alli just blushes. I'll ask her about it later.

"So Alli, we would love to get to know your boyfriend better, how about we grab some lunch?"

"Sure dad." She says.

"Shubman, tu pan ye aamchya barobar." He says and I give Alli a confused look.

"He wants you to tag along with us." She says.

"Dad, he doesn't understand marathi. Talk to him in Hindi or English please." She says and her dad nods.

"So where are we going today?" Her mom questions.

"Depends. Where do you wanna go maa?" She asks.

"Some Indian food please. I can't live like you on salads." Alli laughs.

"We could go to The Mahraja." I suggest.

"Oh yeah, let's go there."


"So Shubman, how long have you guys been dating?" Her mom asks me and all of a sudden I have a problem to gulp down the biryani.

"Couple years."

"Wow. Now that's something. How did you guys meet?"

"We met through Aditi." I know, I know that I'm lying but this was the only thing me and Alli could come up with. 'Cause if her and my parents find out that we've been dating for almost 6 years, they will freak out. Only, Shahneel and our friends know the truth.

"Who's Aditi, again?" Her mom questions.

"Maa, she was my roommate and she's also the daughter of KL Rahul and Neha Shergill. She graduated last year." Alli states and her mom nods.

"Doesn't matter how you guys met, what matters is that you'll are happy with each other." Her mom says with a fond smile and her dad nods reassuring me with a smile.


"So, Miss Alisha Jadhav, are you finally ready to come back to India?" I ask her as walk in the park. Her parents were feeling jetlagged so they returned to their hotel.

"Umm.. about that.. I actually got a job offer at a local publishing house so.." She trails off.

"Hey, it's okay. We have been doing long distance since you were 16 I think we could do it for much longer."

"Thanks it means a lot to me." She says and I hug her. This is what forever feels like.

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