Chapter 26

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"Alli, are you really going to do this?" Abhay asks me and I nod.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Simran cheers.

"Simran, I have no clue how he's going to react to it. I hope it goes well." I explain.

"You're crazy to think he it won't go great. Trust me Alli, you guys have been dating like forever. There's no one he loves more than you. And if I have to say it with making a Marvel reference, I'd say 'He larbs you'." I laugh at his words.

"So, how exactly are you planning to do this?" Simran questions me.

"Well, I know Abhay has watched Friends but I don't know if you have. Have you?" I reply.

"Of course I have." She says with a huge grin on her face.

"So, you guys must know about Chandler and Monica's proposal right?" I ask them and they nod.

"Well that's exactly how I'm planning to do it."

"Aww, you guys are way too cute." Simran coes and I chuckle at her.

"Simran, could you maybe put my phone on charging?" I ask her.

"Oh yeah. Sure." She says with a smile. I watch as she walks out of my bedroom.

I then smack Abhay hard on his arm.

"Oww, what the fuck was that for?" He says rubbing his arm.

"For not proposing to her, despite of having the ring."

"In my defence, I want it to be perfect and I don't know how to." I roll my eyes at his words.

"I'll help you out once I'm done."

"Thanks Alli, you're the best!" He says hugging me.

"Yeah yeah I know I am."

"Why're you guys laughing so much?" Simran asks as she walks in, we definitely have some great timing.

"Just some jokes on Captain America." Abhay says and she rolls her eyes.

"Let's get this started."


"What if he says no?" I blurt.

"Alli, calm down, obviously he will say yes. He's fucking in love with you." Abhay says and I nod.

I take one last look at myself. I am wearing a shiny blue halter topped jumpsuit with shiny blue heels. Although I'm not a fan of heels, Simran said they totally go with my outfit. My hair is tied into a pony tail, just two strands of my hair resting on my face.

"He's here." Abhay chirps.

"We'll be recording it from your bedroom, chill, okay?" Simran says. I somehow manage to nod. The two of them then rush into my bedroom.

There's a knock on the door and I open it.

"Hey, birthday girl!" He beams and hands me a bouquet of white lillies.

"Thank you so much."

"Al, the decor for this place is oddly romantic. I like it." He says and tackles me in a bone-crushing hug.

I take his hand into mine and just stare at him for a solid second. God, he looks so hot, in that white buttoned down shirt and black trousers.

"What do you want for your birthday babe?" He asks me and
that's when I decide to do it. I go down on one knee.

"Your last name." I say and he gasps.

"Shubman Gill, you have no fucking idea how much you mean to me. From the first time, I saw you play at the Under-19 World Cup. I just couldn't take my eyes off you. The 14 year old me, couldn't stop thinking about you. I kept up with you on all of your social networking sites. I started reading fanfiction on you, hell, I even wrote one on you!"

I say and he laughs.

"The 16 year old me almost had a heart attack when I saw you as the Chief Guest at St. Xavier's. I wanted to fangirl so hard. Then there was our first date, which was amazing. We had a shit load of ups and downs, times where I was depressed, times when I just wanted to give up, times when I caused a lot of trouble. Things changed, time changed but the one thing that didn't change was you. You were the one constant thing I had in my life and I am definitely can't see my life without you. I couldn't be more thankful for what we are today. I know that I'm a control freak like Monica and I never thought I'd find my Chandler. After, dating for almost a bloody decade, I would love to ask you. Would you be my Chandler Bing? Shubman Gill, will you do me the honour of marrying me?" Both of us crying by now

"I was this close!" He says and I give him a questioning look.

He then removes a blue velvet box from his pocket and I gasp.

"To answer your question, yes. Yes Ms. Alisha Jadhav. I will marry you. Or should I say, Mrs. Gill?"

Before I could respond, his lips are crashing into mine and my arms are thrown across his neck.

As we pull apart we both say "I love you."

I then slide the ring onto his finger and he on mine.

God! My life just couldn't get any better!


Hey guys!

They're finally engaged!! I really can't believe this is happening but there are just a few more chapters remaining for this book to get over! I really hope you guys like this update. Anaghaventrapragada this update is especially for you! Thanks for being there for me. I love you. And guys don't forget to vote and comment down below!!

Until next time!

Adios Amigos!!

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