Chapter 7

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It's been six hours since I agreed to the date with Shubman and apparently he asked Carissa and Aayush if he could take me out and they agreed. As soon as I reached home I got a call from her asking for all the juicy details. And now, it was 2 in the night and I was studying for my test which is due tomorrow, when I get a notification from Instagram.
Shubman had decided to message me.

Hey he texted.

Hey, what are you doing up so late at night?

I could ask you the same. Classic Shubman.

I have a test tomorrow, so I'm up studying and will probably be for the next one or two hours.

I am up playing FIFA with Abhay, and you definitely need sleep. Go to sleep in a while Alli.

I will, at least I'm up for a reason unlike you ;) I chuckled at my test.

Alright alright I will kick Abhay out and go to sleep, you get back to studying. Good night.

Good night :)


I yawned and sat at the lunch table along with Carissa and Aayush.

"Alli, you have a date right, today? What are you guys gonna do?" Aayush asks me.

"Movies and dinner at his apartment 'cause if we go out then crazy fangirls will start climbing up on Shubman and the paps will spot us, which neither of us want for it to happen." I explain.

"Dude, have fun today." Carissa smirks and says and thats when my phone starts ringing.

"One sec, guys, I need to take this." I say and walk away from the table.

"Hey Alli." I can see him grinning.

"Hey, Shubman, what's up?" I ask him.

"I really want to come pick you up after college but someone's come to visit me, so can you come over?"
He requests.

"Yeah yeah definitely, just text me the address."

"Kk. Thanks a lot. I  am really sorry. I'll see you soon. Bye."

"Don't be. See you soon. Bye."


I took a cab straight from my college and went over to his apartment in Santacruze, his apartment is like a 5 minutes distance walk to my sister's. So I do have backup if I ever need to stay with him. I reached up to his apartment and rang the doorbell but nobody opened so, I looked for a key and sure enough it was under his mat, I took the key and got in.

"Oh my god! How did you get in?" He yelled.

"I took the key from under the mat and why didn't you open the door?"

"I so regret telling you to watch Pretty Little Liars." I chuckle at him as he continues,"I just woke up, I was taking a nap, looks like your college got over early."

"Yeah, pretty much."

He came and engulfed me in a hug and I hugged him back, we stayed there until we heard someone cough and immediately pulled back.

"Shubman, you could tell me we were having company and Alli, shouldn't you be in college?" Kedy said.

"Hey, Kedy, long time no see." I hugged him, "how are you?"

"I'm fine, how are you?" He asks me.

"I'm great."

"Can someone please tell me what is happening?" Shubman begs.
"Alli, how do you know Kedar? How do you guys know each other? Oh my god! Oh my god! You're a Jadhav, he's a Jadhav, are you guys siblings?" Me and Kedar roll my eyes at him.

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