Chapter 18

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I wake up to a really bad headache. I look around and realise that I'm not in my dorm. Holy crap! Where in the world am I? And what did I do last night? God, I'm so clueless right now. I walk outside the room and see Will and McCoy making breakfast.

"Mornin' sweetie!" McCoy chirps.

"Morning" I groan and Will laughs at me.

"So Alli how are you feeling?" Will asks me.

"I somehow feel hungover."

"That's because you are honey, you drank a lot." McCoy says and my eyes widen at this.

"What?! I was drunk?" I exclaim.

"Yes you were. Have you never been drunk?" Will curiously asks me and I nod. I walk over and sit at the island while McCoy hands me a cup of coffee.

"See last night was the first time I got drunk and I don't remember a single thing that I did last night." I explain to them and receive a notification from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey Alli! How are you?

Me: I'm sorry but I really don't know who you are. Mind giving me an intro?

I keep my phone upside down and look at Will.

"So Will what stunts did I pull yesterday night?" I ask.

Unknown: My name's Daniel. We met at the party yesterday or as you would like to call me Dan.

Me: I am really having a hard time remembering you and I'm really sorry. You see I am a bit hungover right now so....

"Let's see, you got super drunk, gave us some crazy dares and you kissed Daniel." Will said.

Unknown: You kissed me last night.

I read his text and focus on Will's last words. I kissed Daniel?

"What?!" I yell on top of my lungs.
McCoy gives me a look.

"Hun, Aditi is sleeping in the next room keep your voice down." McCoy says.

"How, how did this even happen?" I ask Will.

"Well, we were playing truth or dare and then you we're dared to play seven minutes in heaven with Daniel and after seven minutes when we opened the closetdoor you two were kissing." He states and my breath hitches in my throat. My head falls into my hands and I start yelling "No no no no no this can't be happening. OH MY GOD!" At this point I'm hysterical.

"Hey honey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" McCoy asks while sitting next to me.

"I cheated on my boyfriend. Why did I get drunk? I wasn't supposed to be kissing guys while I'm in a long distance relationship."

"Oh darling, I'm so so sorry. We'll definitely come up with something." McCoy says and wraps his arms around my shoulder.

Aditi walks out of the other bedroom, her eyes puffy and bloodshot. What happened?

McCoy gets up and goes to her and gives her a hug. Will sits next to me and rubs my back.

"What's going on? Alli why are you crying?" Aditi asks me as she tries not to cry.

"I could ask you the same Aditi." I whimper.

"Hey McCoy, honey, how 'bout we give the two of them some privacy to discuss stuff?" Will says and McCoy nods.

"We'll be back in sometime both of you, if you'll need anything call us." McCoy says and puts on his coat as they walk out. I hand a cup of coffee to Aditi as we both settle down on the couch.

"What happened Aditi?" I ask her.

"No you first."

"I have a hell lot of drama to talk about so how 'bout you start first, huh?" She slightly nods.

"My long time boyfriend Auden, he broke up with me. A couple weeks before I received a dare to kiss this guy and I don't back off from dares and before I could tell him about it someone told him and he lost it. I apologised to him and tried to make up for it, he told me it was cool but then he became really distant to me and I knew that something's not good. He went off for a tournament last week and returned yesterday and thats when he told me that he was done with our relationship." She said and cracked up.

"Oh my God! I'm so so sorry. I had no clue." I hug her. We stay that way for a while.

"Enough about me, what happened with you? Why were you crying?" She asks me and I look down.

"Lets just say that I got super drunk last night after you left and may or may not have kissed Daniel while playing seven minutes in heaven." Her eyes widen and she gasps loudly.


"I know." I say and break down in front of her.

She wraps an arm around me and tries to comfort me.

"He's going to definitely breakup with me Aditi." I cry.

"If you want my honest opinion I dont want you to go through what I'm going through but you should tell him about this. And tell him before he finds it out from someone else." I nod and we both cry together.

"I promise I will even if it means I'll lose him."

Hey guys!
Here's the update, hope you'll like it! And don't forget to vote and comment down below!

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