Chapter 17

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I stared at the picture of us which we took in my apartment. I smile looking at Alli's goofy smile and shake my head smiling.

"Dude, are you sane?" Abhay says and I glare at him.

"Accha chal, lets have a guys day today, it will definitely help you." Abhay says and I nod smiling.

"So what are we going to do?" I ask him.

"We're going to have food, play FIFA and if you want we can binge watch some series. Like Will and Grace." He says grinning at the last part.

"What is it with you and Alli obsessing over this sitcom?" I ask him.

"It's lit bro, trust me."

"Chal lets have a FIFA match before ordering dinner."

"I'm going to kick your ass, Abhishek Sharma." I say and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Ha ha noice joke. We'll see." He says with sarcasm.


"Ha ha! Take that Abhishek Sharma! I did kick your ass. Woohoo!!!" I grin and he just glares at me.

"Accha chal, let's go have food and watch something." He says and I grab the takeout and a few plates from the kitchen.

"So what are we watching today? Avengers?" Abhishek asks and I shake my head.

"As much as I would love to, Aditi and Alli have been bugging me to watch some Netflix chickflick and I don't want them to bug me anymore 'cause its annoying." I say and he laughs.

"Whats it called?"

"To all the boys I've loved before or something." I state.

"Oh I watched that with Simran. Its noice honestly."

"Can you stop saying noice like Jake Peralta? You certainly can't pull it off." I smirk and he throws a pillow at me but I catch it.

"I'll put on the movie, okay?" I nod and grab my phone looking at Aditi's text.

Aditi: Ass. You never told me how cute your girlfriend looks.

I laugh at her text and ask her where she met her. Turns out they're roomies.

"Abhay, sun na." I say still looking at the screen.

"Ha kya?"

"Get this. Aditi and Alisha are roomies. The two most studious people sharing a dorm room together." I say and he laughs.

"Lol dude. I am telling you, they're going to backbitch about you a lot and they're going to be doing a lot of crazy shit together. After all its Aditi and Alisha we're talking about." He says and shrugs.

"Holy crap!"

"Is everything okay Shubman? Kya hua?"

"Aditi is taking Alli for a party. Is she crazy? College parties are wild af. My girlfriend is pretty innocent for those types of parties besides it involves drinking. There's no way she's drinking!!" I yell.

"Bro chill. Firstly, shes 18, secondly she's living her college life so you need to be okay with the fact that she'll  be going over to parties, thirdly there's not one innocent bone in your girlfriend. Shes extremely bold and corrupt. Dude chill." I nod leaning back on the couch.

"Chal lets watch that movie, it'll help you relax."

"Yeah, okay."


At around 9 in the morning, I decide to call Alli. She picks up on the fourth ring.

"Hey Alli."

"Heyyyy." She says dragging the 'y'

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing much. Just hanging out with Aditi's friends. They're do cool and McCoy is so coooool." She coes.

"Why are you acting so tipsy?"

"Who said anything about me being tipsy baby?"

"Baby? Alisha Jadhav do not lie to me I know you're drunk, just confess it."

"Maybe." She says.

"Oh Lord! Where's Aditi?"

"I don't know, with some guy I guess."

"Okay, you're going to ask McCoy to drive you to the dorms. Do you get it?"

"Yeah, okay. I'll go talk to him, bye. I love you."

"Bye. I love you too. Take care and text me when you cure your hangover tomorrow."

"Yeah, bye."

I really hope she doesn't end up doing something she'll regret in the long run.


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