Chapter 6

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"Actually, I was wondering if you would want to go out with me?" She just stared at me as if at loss of words. Does she not have feelings for me? According, to Aditi she does and she admitted that a while ago as well. I cleared my throat and she was broken out of her trance.

"On a date, date?" She asked her voice shaky.

"I mean yeah and if I'm lucky enough maybe I'll get to be your boyfriend?"

Why in the world would you say that to her? Aditi is right, you definitely don't use your brains.
Darn it!

"Why would you want to go out with me? I mean I'm just an ordinary girl, I am not that beautiful, nor am I that talented," she tells me and I shake my head and chuckle at her.

"Alli, I had a crush on you ever since the first day that I saw you, on the fest day, hosting and later as I started spending more time with you I realised that, it's not just a crush anymore, it's like and don't you even get me started on your beauty. To me, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever layed my eyes on. You're not only beautiful on the outside, but even on the inside and what makes you say that you're not talented? You're an amazing orator, I don't know about your writing skills much but the few of the drafts that Carissa gave me, they're so beautiful, there are a lot of things that drive me crazy about you Alisha. A lot. Like the way you bug me, you teach me stuff, your laugh and tons of other stuff. Alisha I really really like you. A lot. So Miss Alisha Jadhav do I have the honour of taking you out on a date, please?" She was awestruck by now.

"Please tell me I'm hallucinating." I chuckle at this.

"Shubman, what about the paps? What if they spot us somewhere? Don't you see that we are 6 freaking years apart. I'm not even an adult yet, what are you going to do about this?"

She did have a point about the age gap but I'm not gonna let her get away this easily. I really like her.

"Alli, isn't your favourite fictional couple Aria and Ezra from Pretty Little Liars? You say you're a crazy fan of MSD, Sakshi Bhabhi and bhai are 7 years apart, yet they worked this out, didn't they? And even bhabhi was doing her internship when they started dating. Please Alli let's give this a try. Don't give up on so easily." I plead and she looks at me, she sighed.

"Alright, I'll give this thing a go." She tells me and a smile makes it's way to my face.

"Alli, you're the best," I say and hug her, she hugs me back.

"Shubman so where are we going tomorrow?" She asks me.

"So, do you have a curfew?" She nods and I start thinking. If I take her out for movies or dinner we'll definitely be caught, I guess I'll call her over at my apartment.

"We'll hang out at my apartment. Dinner and movies." She laughs and I hold her hand.

"You know what, I'll tell my mom that I'm going to the movies with Carri and Aayush. That way I can buy us some more time." She tells me and I chuckle.

"You're evil, how do you even lie so easily?"

"See, I'll tell them to back me up on this in case my mom calls up and regarding the lying thing I've been effortlessly doing it since eighth grade." I laugh at her and she smiles.

"That jacket looks awesome on you." She tells me.

"Are you lying?"

"Duh. You'd have not found out if I never told you." I chuckle at her.

"So I'll come to pick you up tomorrow after your college, cool?"

"Totally. Also, as much as I'd love to wait here, I need to get going it's almost 8."

"Sure sure we'll meet tomorrow." She hugs me and whispers "I really like you, Shubman."
"Me too Alli," I whisper back.

We pull apart and she walks away, waving at me. I smile at her, wave back and start driving back home.

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