Chapter 27

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I banged my alarm shut and got up. It feels good to be back in India. How I missed Mumbai! I looked at Shubman, he was sleeping so peacefully, I couldn't help but take a picture of him.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Since it was just 8 am, I decided to watch a movie on my laptop. I grabbed my headphones and laptop. I'm definitely going to watch 'What's your number?'. Well, who doesn't like a movie with Chris Evans in it?

I checked my mail first and my heart skipped a beat.

Dear Ms. Jadhav,
We are happy to inform you that we have chosen your application for this job. Filming starts on Friday at Atlanta so please be there. Marvel Studios is happy to have you.

The mail went on about telling me some more instructions and I gasped really loud when I saw the salary. I had completely forgotten that I had applied to be the screenwriter for Avengers 3. I never even thought I'd get this.

I had to be there at Atlanta thus friday! Yayy! Fucking Marvel Studios wants me to be one of their writers. This is my dream come true.

"Mornin' beautiful." Shubman says and the colour drains out of my face. Fuck! What about Shubman! Its just been a month since we got engaged, what am I going to tell him? I'm so screwed. I need to tell someone about this who will understand it from my perspective and probably help me in convincing Shubman.

Abhay! Yes! He too loves Marvel! Hell yeah! This is amazing! Okay I'm going to talk this out with him.

"You okay Alli?" He asks me as he stretches his hands out and I give him a nod. I bang my laptop shut and just storm out of the bedroom. Da fuck am I going to be doing about this? I'm in such a mess right now.


"Hey Alli!" Simran chirps as she walks over to the couch and Abhay closing the door behind her. 

"So, what happened, that you had to send a SOS text to us?" Abhay asks and plops down on the couch next to Simran.

"Well, I got a job."

"Oh my god, that's amazing Alli!" Simran says and hugs me.

"Why are you so upset over this?" Abhay questions.

"Well, lets just say that you are now talking to one of the screenwriter's of Avengers 3." I mutter.

"What the fuck?!" They both yell and I lightly chuckle.

"We need to celebrate! Lets go over to Powai! Your favourite, Rude Lounge!" Abhay says and Simran cheers and I just shake my head.

"Whats the deal Alli, why aren't you happy?"

"I have to be in Atlanta for eight months and I need to be there by Friday." They both gasp at me.

"I know, I know, I am in a mess. Also, I haven't told Shubman about this yet. I am afraid he's going to freak out and break off the engagement." By now I am sobbing and Simran just rubs my back.

"Guys, whats going on? Alli, why the fuck are you crying?" Shubman says as he enters the apartment, he goes on his knees and just hugs me. I lightly sob into his chest.

"Al, what's going on? I am worried about you."

"I need to tell you something." He nods, gesturing for me to go on.

"Marvel wants me to be one of their screenwriters for Avengers 3 and I need to leave for Atlanta by Friday and I'll possibly be gone for eight months." I let all of this out in a single breath. I finally look at him and he just smiles at me.

"What?" I ask him.

"Take it."

"Take what?"

"The job." I just stare at him in disbelief.

"Wait, I don't get this." I quickly mutter and he chuckles.

"Al, I really love you and I would be a total idiot if I kept you from going after your dream job. I know how much this means to you. I really do."

I quickly engulf him in a hug.
"For the record, I love you too and seriously what the fuck have I done to deserve someone like you?"

"Al, just promise me that you won't ditch me for Chris Evans." He jokes and I roll my eyes.

"I love you so much."

"I love you so much too."

Hey guys!!

Here's the new update hope you'll like it.

Next chapter is going to be really interesting so watch out for that.

And don't forget to vote and comment down below!!

Until next time!
Adios Amigos!

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