Chapter 22

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We were currently waiting at the airport for Simran and Abhay. They should be here any minute. Alli was making some calls to someone apparently my girlfriend is already famous at Harvard.

"Alli, they're here." I tell nudging her and she looks up. Abhay and Simran both flashing a wide smile and so was Alli.

"Hey bestie!" Abhay says engulfing her in a bear hug. Alisha says something that sounds like a 'hey' but we couldn't really hear it. After they pull apart, me and Abhay do a bro hug and Simran and Alli have already started talking about stuff.

"So, what's the plan for today?" Simran asks.

"We can go do some sight seeing and have lunch." Alisha suggests and I nod.

"Oh, I am dying to see your college Alisha." Simran tells her and Alli just smiles. Wait a second, I didn't see her college either. Fuck!

"Sure, we can go there."

We called for a cab and made our way to Harvard. Meanwhile in the cab Abhay decides to annoy the shit out of me.

"Alisha, you have no clue what happened while you were gone."
He beams.

"Okay let me guess, my asshat of  a boyfriend decided to annoy you, right?" She questions him and I fake a sad look.

"Hell yeah! I'm so happy to finally meet you, I had no one to talk about shows and Marvel! He still doesn't like Will and Grace!" Abhay tells and Alisha gasps.

"Oh my God! Shubman! I officially disown you!" I roll my eyes at her words and Simran laughs at the two of them. These two just couldn't decide who was right. Team Cap or Team Ironman? It had started driving me crazy.


"And that's Harvard for ya!" Alli said in a fake Boston accent. God! Her college was huge af! Like seriously, is this even a college?

"How do you like Boston so far?" Simran asks her.

"Oh I love Bahston." She says trying the accent again.

"I'm hungry," Abhsy whined.

"Didn't we like just have food?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"There's a cafè right outside the college, let's go there." Alli says and we nod.

When she said outside the college, I didn't think she meant like literally.

"So, what do you guys want?" She asked as we sat.

"I want pasta." Abhay said.

"Don't have pasta right now, we're going to a good restaurant later, alright?" Alli told him and he nodded.

We gave the order for cheese grilled sandwiches and some fresh lime soda.

"How are you and Shubman managing this long distance relationship?" Simran asks and Alli flinches.

"Umm...alright I guess...I mean yeah we had some bumps but we're alright." She says not meeting anyone's eyes.

"I just realised that you guys haven't met Aditi yet!" I say trying to change the topic.

"Oh yeah! I haven't met her since so long." Abhay says and Alli whispers something in Simran's ear.

"I'm gonna go use the washroom." Alli says and walks off.

"Me too." I say and walk off.

"Alli!" I call her and she looks at me.

I grab her waist and kiss her, she wraps her arms around my neck and I gently slam her on the wall.

As we pulled apart she says "What's was that for?"

"Just wanted to let you know that we can do this. I love you."

"I love you too." She says kissing me again.

Hey guys!
Here's the update and I know it's kinda bakwas but I was having trouble writing so I can assure you that the next chapter will be better than this one. Sorry!
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Adios Amigos!!!

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