Chapter 14

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"Alli, where do I put this?" Carissa asked holding up my Hogwarts sweatshirt.

"Just put it in that black bag." I told her while neatly folding up another few shirts.

Packing for Harvard was so tiring. I had to be in Boston for three years so I had to pretty much take almost all of my stuff there. My phone went ting and I glanced at it.

"You still up for tonight?" Shubman's text said.

Yeah. Although I need to be home before 8 :(


I was definitely going to miss him so much. But as they say life must go on.


"Hey" he said and hugged me tight.


"So, what are we doing tonight?" I ask him as I plop down on the couch.

"I was thinking of taking you out for our last dinner before you go to Harvard."

"Won't people see us?" I ask.

"Nope, that's the thing. The place is quite and no one's going to be there. Just you and me."

"You do remember I have to get home before 8, right?"

"Yeah I do and it sucks that I only have the last two hours with you." He pouted at me and I laughed.

"Then let's get going."

"Okay yeah cool."


"Shubman, you're being way too cheesy with this blindfold stuff." I told him.

"I know but I just want to see you in awe. Okay we're here, remove the blindfold."

I removed the blindfold and looked at the view. I was in awe. I was looking at Juhu Beach from a different angle. I never knew it looked this beautiful from the other side.

"Oh my god! This is amazing! Whose house are we in, by the way?"

"KL Rahul's" he smirked.

"Oh my god! How did you manage to do this?"

"Well he's like a mentor to me and we all are pretty close, besides his daughter is my bff."

"Oh yeah! I completely forgot about Aditi." He chuckled.

"You hungry?"

"When am I not?" I say and he laughs. We order some pizza while talking.

"Alli, what's a parasol?" Shubman asks me.


"A parasol. It has something to do with make up. I don't know."

"Well I have no clue what the fuck that is." I honestly tell him.

"I thought girls were into that stuff."

"You're so cliché. To answer your question, all girls are not into make-up. Where'd you even learn that word from?" I ask him curiously.

"Oh, I went for the shooting of one of the ad's and the make-up artist kept rambling about some parasol to her friend and I wondered what it was." He shrugged and I laughed.

The bell rang and we sat with the pizza while streaming something on Netflix.

"Why does this happen?" He asked me and I put my plate onto the table and asked him, "Why,what happened?"

"Everyone leaving me to go to the damn Harvard! First Aditi now you!"

I laughed at him and he glared at me.

"You're talking like you're never going to see me again."

"Most of the time, NO." He scoffed and I gently cupped his face.

"We're going to be fine, alright? I'll be a little difficult at first but then again we'll survive it." I explain.

"How are you so sure? How are you so sure that you won't fall for a Brit or an American or even a New Yorker for that matter? How do you know that I won't fall for someone else while you're gone?"
He states and I'm a bit taken aback by his words, but I guess it's just his emotions taking over.

"Because I know me and I know you. After all that we've been through, I know that you won't stop loving me and I you."

He smiles at me and kisses me gently on my forehead while pulling my closer, my head resting on his chest.

"I really don't deserve you Alli. I really don't."

"You do Shubman. You do." He smiles at me.

After we're done eating we take a little walk on the beach, obviously Shubman had to go all over and look like a perp. That night I felt a mix of emotions, happy, nervous, sad but I knew one thing, as long as I have my friends and my amazing boyfriend, I could survive everything. Everything everything.


Hey guys!

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Love love!

Until next time!
Adios Amigos!

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