Chapter 29

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"Sadly, I am now stuck with you for the rest of my life." I joke as we get inside our rented lake house.

"And now, I am going to be stuck inside of you." He snickers.

I feel the heat rising up to my cheeks and my eyes widening, I felt myself craving his touch.

Oh this was going to be a long, long, night.

"Whoa, this place is beautiful." I whisper to myself.

"You know what else is amazing?"

"I can make you scream so loud, all through the night and no one can hear you." I bit my lip hard at his words.

"Just you and me and your screams." I gulped.

"Is- is that a dare?"

"Oh no. Its a promise babe."

He unbuttoned his shirt and I lightly flicked his nipple making his eyes widen and spine stiffen. My fingers traced his abs and I felt myself wanting to lick every inch. Where the fuck was my sex demon all this time?  My fingers stopped at the waistband of his pants and I could see the bulge forming as his breath picked up.

This fueled my confidence and I snapped the elastic of the waistband. Shubman just stares at me and I snickered.

With that his mouth descended on me, devouring me, claiming me. It took me less than 2 seconds to respond to his fervent kiss. I kissed him back matching his eagerness and intensity. His teeth bit my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I gladly gave to him. Thrusting his tongue into my mouth, he picked me up as our kiss deepened.

My legs instinctively wrapped around his hips and my arms went around his neck, pulling our chests closer. Without hesitation he threw me on the bed on the red comforter, I settled on my elbows, waiting for his next move. He stared at me with a fierce need as I breathed heavily. I hadn't even realized that the top buttons of my shirt were off, showing my cleavage and my long legs spread wide on the bed.

He smirked tilting his face. That bastard knew the effect he was having on me, he could see just how with his touch I felt goosebumps all over my body, how his stare made my tits perk up and how his words made me wet.

In one swift motion our clothes were being discarded. His lips claimed mine and his hands traveled to my breasts, this time when he flicked my nipple and I understood how he lost control. I moaned into his mouth, taking the opportunity he trusted his tongue into my mouth, sucking onto mine.

My hands gripped on the comforter and my back arched, pressing my breasts into rough hands. He kneaded them before his hands traveled southwards, gripping my hips and arching my back more. Pressing right into my core.

We both moaned at the contact, a surreal sound of desire and carnal need. "Take me." I whispered breaking the kiss and I struggled to get his boxers down.

Shubman reached for the nightstand drawer and pulled out a box. I stared at it in horror. "A full box?" My voice sounded so squeaky.

He pulled one out. "Relax, it's not for tonight." He opened the packet pulling it. "There are around 50 in it. Should last the whole weekend." 

My eyes widened. "50?!" I think I should call Aditi and tell her to keep the wheelchair ready.

"I can't wait to plunge into them." He positioned himself at my entrance. Pressing against me, he rubbed against my swollen clit,  spreading the juices. I whimpered trying to move my hips, my body begging him to stop teasing me. His hands gripped my hips, keeping me in place. My fists clenching the comforter tightly.

He gripped my legs, wrapping them around my waist. He looked into my eyes reassuringly. "I love you Alli."

I smiled, feeling bliss spread through me. "I love you too Shubman."

And then he was pushing into me, ever so slowly. My breath caught and bit my lip, I couldn't even close my eyes because his gaze was locked on me. I gradually breathed out.

"Holy shit!" I screamed out, as he pushed his full length into me.

"Breathe, just breathe, Alli." He hissed out, freezing and looking at me. I took a deep breathe, adapting to the pain. "Yeah I- I'm good."

His breathing grew erratic as I pushed my hips slightly indicating him to go on. He slowly moved, inching forward and then completely in, filling me, making me feel whole.

He pulled out completely and then thrust hard into me, the way I wanted. I gasped, my nails digging his back. "Oh God." Pulling out again, he groaned. He was now dominating me and then thrust again, filling me in so completely that I knew I was a goner.

"Fuck!" I screamed, meeting his pace, lifting my hips, urging him to go faster.

"So fucking good." I hear him grunt, his hands kneading my breasts, nipping them, sucking my nipples into his hot mouth, his teeth grazing the skin, making me scream out his name like a chant.

"Alli fuck." He grunted and with each hurried hard thrust we became a mess of unadulterated passion and unending pleasure'

"Come. Now." He ordered, his skilled fingers pressed against my clit and just like that with the right push I came, screaming his name, I unfolded into what seemed like a never ending orgasm.

My body snapped in two, my legs shaking as I drowned into my own desire. He continued to push into me, making one orgasm blend into another and into another I couldn't count, I couldn't think, I couldn't see anything but starry dots and all I could feel was his touch.

"Shubman!" I screamed out as I felt the last of my I-don't know how many orgasms. He grunted and then moaning out my name, in the sexiest way possible. "Alli!" And then I felt his pressure. His cock jerked and his eyes closed, I stared at him mesmerized. He looked so vulnerable and content, his eyes closed in pleasure and his mouth slack open.

His eyes opened after a few seconds, after his orgasm subsided. He tilted his head and smiled slowly. "You screamed so fucking loud, I think the penguins in Antarctica could hear us."

I smiled back feeling gratified.  "Make me scream again, let the aliens hear it."


Hey guys!

Her's the new update, hope y'all like it. I am so sorry that it took me a while to update this but I had to rewrite this till I was content enough with what I wrote. Also this is the first time I am writing smut so please don't go all HULK on me.

And don't forget to vote and comment down below!

Until next time!

Adios Amigos!

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