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"Aashana, you can't keep doing this." I tell her and she just shrugs while removing her silver stilettos 

"Mom, you and I both know that if dad found out about me going off for a party with my boyfriend, he'd probably would end up having a cardiac arrest. So, it's better if he doesn't know." I shake my head and she grins at me.

"Alright, fine but you can't be late for tomorrow."

"Sure, I won't, it's a huge opportunity for me mom, obviously I won't."


"And the ball goes in the air, give it up for the winning captain of Team India!" The comentrator says and we all cheer loudly. I look at Sidharth, my 12 year old cheering loudly. 

My attention is then drawn to the interview which was taking place.

"So how does it feel like to be the winning captain of the World Cup and the player of the match?" The interviewer asks.

"Well, to be honest, I was kinda nervous before the match and so was the team, but then after the first half or so things had started shaping up pretty good, so all I told them was that we are going to go out there and rock it. As the captain, it makes me feel very proud and happy because we managed to bring honor to India."

"Well, who would you like to dedicate this win to?"

"I would like to dedicate this win to my parents, especially my dad, growing up he was the best coach I've ever had. So, this win is especially dedicated to him."

"Thanks a lot Ms. Gill for your time." 


"There she comes, our 18 year old champion." Abhay cheers and she grins widely.

"Aashu, you really made us all proud." Shubman tells her and she hugs him.

'I can't believe you are all grown up now." Shubman tells and I softly chuckle.

"Oh, come on dad! Don't be so sappy today, it's not like I am running off somewhere!" She says and we all laugh. Shreya, Abhay and Simran's daughter walks in and gives her a big hug. Although she and Aashana have a 2 year age gap, they are basically sisters.

"Ash, won't we get a hug?"

"Oh my god! You guys came?!" She says while giving RDJ a hug while Scarlet and Chris, Seb and Lizzie just chuckle at her.

"Of course, we would come sweetie, it's your big day after all."

Shubman pulls me out of the room and I just give him a look.

"What?" I ask him.

"I just remembered the old times. Remember when after we were engaged, we would come out here and talk for hours?"

"Sure, I do. I miss those days."

"Me too, I just think about our lives before we had these two munchkins, although one of them is now 18, and I realize that our life just got even better when they came along."

"I know right, it's been 4 years since you retired but I still miss watching you and Abhay play. After all our love story started because of you playing cricket." He grins at me and kisses me. 

"God! You guys have been married for years and dad you are still whipped by mom. You'll are worse than teenagers." Aashana gags and we both laugh.

"I do love your dad 3000." I tell her as Sid smiles and Shubman says, "I guess all you could say is that despite of all of these years, I have been bowled over beauty."


Hey guys!

Here lies the final chapter of Bowled over Beauty. I don't know if I have matched your expectations for the last chapter but I hope you all like it. Don't forget to vote and comment down below and make sure you read the Author's note.

A really, really big thank you to you guys. Lots of love.

Adios Amigos!

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