Chapter 19

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"Hey, Aditi, what's the plan for today?" I asked not looking up from my phone.

"I don't know. What do you want to do?"

"I was thinking we could maybe go do some shopping for college before it starts in a couple of days."

"Yeah actually that would be cool. Do you mind if I ask Will and McCoy too? I'm sure those idiots haven't done any prep for college."

"Yeah cool." I say. She comes and sits next to me on the bed.

"Okay, I know this is difficult but you've got to get out of this. See, either you tell Shubman over FaceTime and get done with it or wait till you guys actually meet up."

"I'm trying to distract myself Aditi but it's not helping. I feel like Hardin Scott from After."

"No you're not him, how about you just FaceTime your boyfriend and confess it, you'll feel better and besides it won't make you look like a nervous wreck."

"I guess you're right. You know what I'll do it now." I take a deep breath and dial his number when there's a knock on the door. I cut the call and open the door.

"Hey Alli." Shubman says and I am pale. I'm pretty sure he noticed it.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Aw mahn come on! I thought you'd be happy to see me." He whines and Aditi stops dead in her tracks when she sees him.

"Hey Aditi!" He grins and gives her a hug while she stares at me and I shake my head.

"What is going on with you guys? My girlfriend is so shocked to see me that she turns pale and my best friend doesn't reciprocate the hug. Like what is going on you guys? Is everything alright?" He asks.

"That's it Alli, you have to tell him. You should've done this yesterday though." Aditi says and my eyes widen in shock.

"What?! I'm not prepared for this? Are you crazy?" I reply.

"Can someone please tell me what the actual fuck is going on?" Shubman yells.

"I don't care if you're ready or not, you've to do this, if it doesn't go according to the plan, you will have my shoulder to cry on alright? I'm going to buy supplies that will get you ample of time to talk to him. I'll get yours too but I swear to God, just do it. Okay?"

And at that moment my breath hitched in my throat and I felt like someone was choking me. Unable to speak I just give her a nod and then she nods at me, taking a glance at Shubman and grabbing her coat she leaves the room.

"What the fuck is going on? What is she talking about? What have you not told me Alli?" He questions me although it feels more like an interrogation to me.

"Why don't you settle down first? This is going to be a long conversation." He nods and settles down on my bed. I take a deep breath and begin.

"Okay there are some things that I haven't told you about, some things that shouldn't have taken place but they did and there's nothing that I regret more than that incident."

"Go on..."

"The night of the party, I first met Aditi's friends, they were really sweet and everything. After a while one of the girl's asked me to take a shot and I couldn't decide if I should or should not. Aditi's bff and his bf told them that I'm still not ready for it but I went against their better judgement and took the shot. After that, they all told me to have some water in case I feel a little light headed, so without thinking of anything I grabbed the glass that was in front of me and chugged it down only to feel even more tipsy and fuzzy. When asked what the hell did I drink, these guys stared at me and one of them told me that I had vodka and that's how I ended up being super drunk on my first night here in Massachusetts." I sigh.

"It's okay, you didn't know about the vodka atleast and it's fine that you felt like taking a shot. That's cool although I have a feeling there's something more to this story. Is there?"

I nod and take a deep breath. Preparing myself for the words that I was going to utter next.

"We started playing truth or dare and I was way too drunk and I was dared to play seven minutes in heaven with a guy."

He raised his eyebrow and motioned me to go on.

"While we were at it, I kissed that guy."


Hey guys!!

Here's the new update, hope you'll like it and the part two to this chapter will be coming out soon. Also comment down below a ship name for these guys and don't forget to vote!

Until next time!

Adios Amigos!!

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