Chapter 8

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I splashed water on my face for the third time and noticed how bloodshot my eyes looked. It was pretty gradual, I was living on two hours of sleep from the past three days. It had been three months since Shubman returned home from his tour, he was amazing, our relationship was pretty smooth.

I had my math SAT tomorrow's and I have been pretty stressed about it. Math was the one subject in my school, that I didn't top in, it wasn't my forte, I had always feared giving my tests, I would either have a border line passing or I'd fail.

The only way I managed to get great marks in my boards was because of my brother, but now he's in California, another thing was that I'd have panic attacks before the math exam. This was another reason I'd been avoiding Shubman from the past three days. My mom wasn't at home, she'd gone on a trip with her cousins,  I had started to slip up and my dad would hardly be home.

I had started taking Adderall again, no one knew about this, not even Shubman. I know that I shouldn't be doing this but I cant help it. Shubman cant know about this, he'll freak out. I need to be alone for tonight, I need to get out of here. I call my dad. He picks up on ghee third ring.

"Hi dad, can I go over to Rati's tonight?"

"Did you speak to her?"

"Yeah I did, she said I could come over."

"Alright, you can go, just be careful and message me when you reach."

"Okay cool. Bye."


It had been a while since I told Rati about Shubman at first she wasn't really very supportive but then Kedy helped me convince her and she approved. Infact she and Shubman get along great now.

Truth be told, I wasn't heading over to Rati's, I was heading over to Shubman's. He was going to head over to Abhishekh's for a guy's night. I could spend the night at his place and then head straight over for the exam.

I shoved a pair of jeans and tee into my bag along with my books and other stuff. I called up Rati and told her I'm spending the night at Shubman's and she agreed to back me up unless I don't do any funny business with him, to which I agreed.

Called for a cab and left for his place. I went to the fourth floor and took out tge key from under the mat and opened the door, adjusted my bag strap and closed the door behind me.

"What are you doing here?" I gasped.

"What in the world are you doing here? Shouldn't you be over at Abhay's?"

"Well technically this is my apartment, so I'll be here and Abhay ditched me to go hang out with Simran."

"I really want to meet this Simran, how's she?"

"Alisha, dont try to change the subject here. What's going on? Your eyes look bloodshot and you look like you haven't slept from days. Whats with the caffeine addiction?" He says glancing towards the three coffee take outs.

"Its nothing, you shouldn't worry."

"Alisha, you're going to tell me this and you're going to tell me now."

There's no point in fighting with him, he's not going to let go this that easily and I really don't have the strength to fight back right now.

I start explaining everything to him, from the start, my fear of math tests and the panic attacks and everything, I leave out the part about Adderall, I definitely dont want him knowing about it.

"Alli, why didn't you tell me about this before?" My head resting on his shoulder and our hands interlinked together.

"I didn't want to trouble you."

"Seriously? You're crazy, I'm your boyfriend Alisha, I definitely need to know about crap like this. How am I going to save your ass if I have no clue about any of this?"

"I dont need you to save my ass, I can do that."

"I know you can but just in case?"

"Fine. I'm sorry I should have told you about this."

"That's my girl." I chuckled at him.

"It was cheesy, wasnt it?" He adks me and I nod and we laugh.

"Alisha you're going to sleep. Its 8 right now, I'll wake yoh up at 10, we can have dinner then and you can study again till 12 and get back to sleep." I nodded at him since he wasn't going to let this go.

"Ohh and by the way there's coffe powder in my bag, I noticed that you ran out if it, so I picked it up on my way over here." I state.

"Thanks Alli. Now go to sleep, you need it." I nodded and slept on the couch, soon drifting off to sleep.


I woke up due to my alarm ringing and see Shubman standing by the coffee table, his arms crossed along his chest and glaring at me.

"What's up?" I ask him smirking.

"Alisha, you're going to tell me what's up? What the fuck is this doing in your bag?" He pointed towards the bottle of Adderall.
"What the fuck is going on with you? Since when do you use this? I fucking can't believe this."


Note: Adderall is a drug which helps in keeping the brain calm and helps to work it better, but overdose can cause medical issues and stroke.

Here's a double update for you guys!

Another cliffhanger!
Don't worry next updates on its way, what do you think is going to happen next? Let me know what you think about this in the comment section down below and dont forget to vote!
Until next time!
Adios Amigos!

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