Chapter 5

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I glanced at my watch once again. Shubman was late. Again. I still couldn't believe the fact that we had becone best friends in the past 6 months, we would meet up almost everyday and he'd help me study world history. Atleast thats what he told me, it would be more like me reading up stuff and then explaining it to him, according to him, this trick would boost up my grades. Sure enough it did. Aayush and Carissa had started dating which made hanging out with the two of them a bit smooshy at times. Not that they were lovey - dovey or something but sometimes things would just slip out.

"Earth to Alli." A voice said and I looked up from my book.

"You're late, once again." I remarked and he just chuckled, "whats your excuse this time, huh?"

"Well, for starters you should blame your bff for it." He tells me.

"You met Carissa or Aayush?" I question him "and what did they tell you?"

"No, I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about Abhishek." I roll my eyes at this.

"Now, what did that guy do?"

"Nothing unusual, just that we got a new physio on our team, for now she's just an intern. She's really beautiful."

Oh my god! Does he like her? No, I don't think so but what if he does? It's none of your business Allisha, it shouldn't matter to you about who he wants to date after all he's a cricketer and you're just his crazy bestfriend, atleast that's what he likes to call you. Isn't that right?

"And, Abhay's got this really huge crush on her, although I think that he shouldn't ask her out just yet."

"Why so?" I question him.

"Apart from her name, that is Simran, we don't know much about her. I think he should get to know her better first."

"Ohh, smart move big guy." I say.

"Why do you call me big guy though? I mean I am really tempted to ask you why?" He says and I laugh, earning a few glares from the other people at the library.

"You remind me of Bruce Banner," I laugh once again and he just gives me a look that says 'why?' And I continue "well technically, even though you've got these amazing biceps, you're really sweet and down to earth just like Bruce Banner." He chuckles at this.

"Well, if you're going to call me the Hulk, then I'm going to call you 'kid', just like every other Avenger calls Peter Parker, because you're really goofy and crazy and immature just like Peter Parker. Although you're really alert, at all times, thanks to the Peter tingle," I laugh again, "You're my spiderman."

"Aww thats cute. Thanks I love Tom Holland, he's my celebrity crush. You know what? I love Chris Hemsworth and Chrus Evans, they're so so damn hot! Oof!"

"Hey! I thought I was your celebrity crush."

"How do you know that?" I ask him.

"Remember, when we met up with Abhishek at that mall, he realised that you were staring at my pictures for that clothing brand and then later on when you removed some book of yours to show him, the bookmark was none other than my photo."

Oh fuck! I've nover been this embarrassed in my entire life. This sucks so bad!

"Hey, there's no need to be embarrassed, I like that." He is smirking. Oh my god! I looked apt the clock on the wall to avoid staring at him and that's when I realised it was 6:30. I had to get home otherwise my mom would kill me, if I'm past my curfew.

"By the way, I need to get going, I have to reach home before 8 and Andheri is pretty far from Churchgate. If I don't catch a local in the next ten minutes I'll be late. We'll meet up tomorrow?" I asked while shoving my books inside my backpack.

"We'll definitely meet up tomorrow and if you don't mind can I drop you to the station? You'll reach there early and we'll get some more time to talk as well."

"I'm not so sure if that's a good idea. What if someone spots us? I don't want my photo printed in The Times of India tomorrow, my mom will kick me out of the house if she finds out about you." I explain it to him.

"Arrey yaar, kitna tension leti hein? Chal jaldi." We quickly get inside his car and he drives to the station.

"Thank you so much for the ride Shubman." I smile.

"You're most welcome and call me once you get inside the local I'll be out here till then." He said and I nodded and rushed to the station while removing the pass from my purse.

"Sabhi yatriyon se shama, hamari Churchgate se jaane wali gaadiya kuch technical kaamo ke wajah we cancel ho chuki hein."  The lady announced and there were a few groans at the station.

I immediately walked out of the station and spot Shubman still waiting in his car. I walked over to his car.

"Hey, I am going to take a cab and head home since its getting late and the trains have been cancelled. Don't worry about me."

"Are you crazy? You seriously think that I am going to let you take a cab home, when I can drive you home?" He questioned me and I nodded.

"Quit the drama Alli and get inside the car. Otherwise I ain't talking to you."

"Alright, alright let's get going. But on one condition, you have to drop me off at a 5 minutes walking distance from my building. The neighbourhood aunties will end up creating some new rumour about me. Trust me they're worse than the Indian paparazzi at the airport." He laughed and we drove off.

The ride home was very calm, there were times when we were cracking jokes and talking about movies and other stuff and there was a time when there was a comfortable silence between the two of us. I had almost arrived home, I mean technically I did have to walk home for a five minutes distance.

"Thanks a lot, for the ride Shubman." I smiled.

"No problem. There was something that I have been meaning to ask you for a long time."

"Since when did we become so formal, Shubman?" I asked him casually.

"Actually, I was wondering if you would like to go out with me?"

Hey guys!
Oooo, a cliffhanger. Here's a new update for you'll and what do you think is going to happen next? Do you think Alisha should accept his proposal? Comment your views and don't forget to vote!
Adios Amigos!!

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